Most Yards of Offense by a College Football Team in a Shutout Loss


The purpose of this document is to explore the most yards in a shutout loss for a college football team. It was inspired after the University of Hawai`i gave up 462 yards in shutting out San Jose State on November 15, 2014. I wanted to see if I could use the dplyr package to explore this question.

## Warning: Installed Rcpp (0.12.12) different from Rcpp used to build dplyr (0.12.11).
## Please reinstall dplyr to avoid random crashes or undefined behavior.
## Attaching package: 'dplyr'
## The following objects are masked from 'package:stats':
##     filter, lag
## The following objects are masked from 'package:base':
##     intersect, setdiff, setequal, union

Data Source

To obtain a source of data, I downloaded a database of football game statistics from 2000-2013, from I unzipped this to the working directory.

if(!file.exists("../datasets/cfb/")) {
  download_url <- ""
  download.file(download_url, "../datasets/cfb/")
  unzip("../datasets/cfb/", exdir = "../datasets/cfb/")

Data Processing

The working directory now contained xml and csv versions of each year. I combined the csv versions into one large file. To do this, I read in each csv file and then use rbind_all to combine them.

# Get a list of just the csv files
files <- list.files(path = "../datasets/cfb/")
files <- files[grep(".csv", files)]

# Initialize a data list to hold the files when I read them in
n_files <- length(files)
data_list <- vector("list", n_files)

# Read them in one by one
fpath = "../datasets/cfb/"
for(i in seq_along(files)) {
  data_list[[i]] <- read.csv(paste0(fpath, files[i]))

# Combine them into one data frame
dat <- bind_rows(data_list)
## Warning in bind_rows_(x, .id): Unequal factor levels: coercing to character
## Warning in bind_rows_(x, .id): binding character and factor vector,
## coercing into character vector

## Warning in bind_rows_(x, .id): binding character and factor vector,
## coercing into character vector
## Warning in bind_rows_(x, .id): Unequal factor levels: coercing to character
## Warning in bind_rows_(x, .id): binding character and factor vector,
## coercing into character vector

## Warning in bind_rows_(x, .id): binding character and factor vector,
## coercing into character vector
## Warning in bind_rows_(x, .id): Unequal factor levels: coercing to character
## Warning in bind_rows_(x, .id): binding character and factor vector,
## coercing into character vector

## Warning in bind_rows_(x, .id): binding character and factor vector,
## coercing into character vector
## Warning in bind_rows_(x, .id): Unequal factor levels: coercing to character
## Warning in bind_rows_(x, .id): binding character and factor vector,
## coercing into character vector

## Warning in bind_rows_(x, .id): binding character and factor vector,
## coercing into character vector

## Warning in bind_rows_(x, .id): binding character and factor vector,
## coercing into character vector

## Warning in bind_rows_(x, .id): binding character and factor vector,
## coercing into character vector

## Warning in bind_rows_(x, .id): binding character and factor vector,
## coercing into character vector

## Warning in bind_rows_(x, .id): binding character and factor vector,
## coercing into character vector

## Warning in bind_rows_(x, .id): binding character and factor vector,
## coercing into character vector

## Warning in bind_rows_(x, .id): binding character and factor vector,
## coercing into character vector

## Warning in bind_rows_(x, .id): binding character and factor vector,
## coercing into character vector

## Warning in bind_rows_(x, .id): binding character and factor vector,
## coercing into character vector

## Warning in bind_rows_(x, .id): binding character and factor vector,
## coercing into character vector

## Warning in bind_rows_(x, .id): binding character and factor vector,
## coercing into character vector

## Warning in bind_rows_(x, .id): binding character and factor vector,
## coercing into character vector

## Warning in bind_rows_(x, .id): binding character and factor vector,
## coercing into character vector

## Warning in bind_rows_(x, .id): binding character and factor vector,
## coercing into character vector

## Warning in bind_rows_(x, .id): binding character and factor vector,
## coercing into character vector

## Warning in bind_rows_(x, .id): binding character and factor vector,
## coercing into character vector

## Warning in bind_rows_(x, .id): binding character and factor vector,
## coercing into character vector

## Warning in bind_rows_(x, .id): binding character and factor vector,
## coercing into character vector

## Warning in bind_rows_(x, .id): binding character and factor vector,
## coercing into character vector

## Warning in bind_rows_(x, .id): binding character and factor vector,
## coercing into character vector

## Warning in bind_rows_(x, .id): binding character and factor vector,
## coercing into character vector

## Warning in bind_rows_(x, .id): binding character and factor vector,
## coercing into character vector

## Warning in bind_rows_(x, .id): binding character and factor vector,
## coercing into character vector

## Warning in bind_rows_(x, .id): binding character and factor vector,
## coercing into character vector

## Warning in bind_rows_(x, .id): binding character and factor vector,
## coercing into character vector

## Warning in bind_rows_(x, .id): binding character and factor vector,
## coercing into character vector

## Warning in bind_rows_(x, .id): binding character and factor vector,
## coercing into character vector

## Warning in bind_rows_(x, .id): binding character and factor vector,
## coercing into character vector

## Warning in bind_rows_(x, .id): binding character and factor vector,
## coercing into character vector

## Warning in bind_rows_(x, .id): binding character and factor vector,
## coercing into character vector

## Warning in bind_rows_(x, .id): binding character and factor vector,
## coercing into character vector

## Warning in bind_rows_(x, .id): binding character and factor vector,
## coercing into character vector

## Warning in bind_rows_(x, .id): binding character and factor vector,
## coercing into character vector

## Warning in bind_rows_(x, .id): binding character and factor vector,
## coercing into character vector

## Warning in bind_rows_(x, .id): binding character and factor vector,
## coercing into character vector

## Warning in bind_rows_(x, .id): binding character and factor vector,
## coercing into character vector

## Warning in bind_rows_(x, .id): binding character and factor vector,
## coercing into character vector

## Warning in bind_rows_(x, .id): binding character and factor vector,
## coercing into character vector

## Warning in bind_rows_(x, .id): binding character and factor vector,
## coercing into character vector

## Warning in bind_rows_(x, .id): binding character and factor vector,
## coercing into character vector

## Warning in bind_rows_(x, .id): binding character and factor vector,
## coercing into character vector

## Warning in bind_rows_(x, .id): binding character and factor vector,
## coercing into character vector

## Warning in bind_rows_(x, .id): binding character and factor vector,
## coercing into character vector

## Warning in bind_rows_(x, .id): binding character and factor vector,
## coercing into character vector

## Warning in bind_rows_(x, .id): binding character and factor vector,
## coercing into character vector

Identifying and Ranking Shutout Games

Now we just wanted to keep the games in which one of the teams scored 0 points. The pertinent variables are ScoreOff and ScoreDef. The variables are somewhat misleadingly categorized as belonging to Offense (the team in the TeamName variable) or Defense (the team in the Opponent variable).

shutouts <- filter(dat, ScoreDef == 0 | ScoreOff == 0)

We created variables for total yards for “Offense” and for “Defense”.

shutouts <- mutate(shutouts, TotalYdsOff = PassYdsOff + RushYdsOff,
       TotalYdsDef = PassYdsDef + RushYdsDef)

We first ranked by most yards the games in which the “Offense” was shutout.

filter(shutouts, ScoreOff == 0) %>% 
  select(Date, TeamName, ScoreOff, TotalYdsOff) %>% 
##           Date           TeamName ScoreOff TotalYdsOff
## 1         <NA>               <NA>        0         397
## 2   10/20/2007     San Jose State        0         394
## 3   11/26/2011           U.C.L.A.        0         385
## 4   11/03/2001        Texas A & M        0         372
## 5   10/30/2004      Arizona State        0         363
## 6   10/30/2004 Southern Methodist        0         356
## 7         <NA>               <NA>        0         355
## 8   11/20/2010         Iowa State        0         332
## 9   09/22/2012            Arizona        0         332
## 10  11/18/2006     Louisiana Tech        0         331
## 11        <NA>               <NA>        0         330
## 12  10/25/2003           Stanford        0         326
## 13  10/29/2005             Baylor        0         325
## 14  10/20/2001  Mississippi State        0         322
## 15  11/01/2003         Notre Dame        0         321
## 16  09/18/2004              Tulsa        0         320
## 17  10/25/2003         Troy State        0         314
## 18  10/26/2002     North Carolina        0         312
## 19  10/09/2010           Colorado        0         311
## 20  10/30/2004           Stanford        0         307
## 21  09/05/2009        Nevada-Reno        0         307
## 22  10/04/2008           Maryland        0         302
## 23  10/06/2007     Louisiana Tech        0         301
## 24  09/22/2007               Utah        0         300
## 25  11/12/2005        Connecticut        0         299
## 26        <NA>               <NA>        0         297
## 27  08/30/2003     North Carolina        0         295
## 28  11/06/2004   Western Michigan        0         295
## 29  11/29/2013              S-M-U        0         295
## 30  11/08/2008         Notre Dame        0         292
## 31        <NA>               <NA>        0         290
## 32  11/27/2010       Oregon State        0         285
## 33  10/06/2012               UTEP        0         285
## 34  09/10/2011       Oregon State        0         284
## 35  08/31/2006         Kent State        0         282
## 36  09/01/2007             Baylor        0         282
## 37  09/11/2004     Colorado State        0         281
## 38  11/26/2011   New Mexico State        0         279
## 39  11/23/2013             Kansas        0         279
## 40  09/20/2008            Wyoming        0         273
## 41  08/30/2003               Duke        0         272
## 42  10/25/2003     Arkansas State        0         272
## 43  09/11/2004   Western Michigan        0         272
## 44  11/09/2005         Cincinnati        0         269
## 45  09/19/2009              Tulsa        0         269
## 46  10/06/2001         Penn State        0         269
## 47  09/28/2002   Western Michigan        0         268
## 48  09/06/2008     Louisiana Tech        0         267
## 49  11/03/2012      Massachusetts        0         267
## 50        <NA>               <NA>        0         267
## 51  09/22/2012      Bowling Green        0         266
## 52  10/30/2010   Washington State        0         264
## 53  10/01/2011         Miami-Ohio        0         264
## 54  09/13/2003      Texas-El Paso        0         261
## 55  10/25/2003             Baylor        0         260
## 56  08/30/2008         Kent State        0         260
## 57  11/03/2012           Kentucky        0         260
## 58        <NA>               <NA>        0         260
## 59  09/30/2006     Louisiana Tech        0         259
## 60  10/21/2006     Colorado State        0         259
## 61  09/27/2008   Eastern Michigan        0         259
## 62  10/19/2013           Arkansas        0         256
## 63  09/09/2006     South Carolina        0         255
## 64  09/21/2013              Idaho        0         253
## 65  10/19/2002             Baylor        0         251
## 66  11/25/2008  Northern Illinois        0         251
## 67  08/30/2003              Idaho        0         250
## 68  11/24/2007  No Carolina State        0         250
## 69  09/25/2010     Boston College        0         250
## 70  09/09/2006         Utah State        0         249
## 71        <NA>               <NA>        0         249
## 72        <NA>               <NA>        0         249
## 73  11/09/2002              Idaho        0         248
## 74        <NA>               <NA>        0         248
## 75  10/23/2004            Arizona        0         245
## 76  09/28/2002   Central Michigan        0         242
## 77  09/23/2006         Utah State        0         242
## 78  11/10/2007             Temple        0         242
## 79  09/14/2002               Army        0         241
## 80  10/26/2002       UL-Lafayette        0         241
## 81  11/26/2011           Virginia        0         241
## 82  09/08/2012         New Mexico        0         241
## 83        <NA>               <NA>        0         241
## 84  10/09/2004              Texas        0         240
## 85  10/28/2006             Purdue        0         240
## 86  09/04/2004          UL-Monroe        0         239
## 87  09/13/2008           U.C.L.A.        0         239
## 88  09/05/2004           Kentucky        0         238
## 89  11/10/2012             Auburn        0         238
## 90  10/18/2006   Florida Atlantic        0         237
## 91  10/27/2007     Arkansas State        0         237
## 92  11/10/2001             Temple        0         237
## 93  11/10/2007         Utah State        0         236
## 94  10/08/2011         Ball State        0         236
## 95        <NA>               <NA>        0         236
## 96  11/24/2001   New Mexico State        0         236
## 97  10/11/2003     Arkansas State        0         235
## 98  10/05/2013           Maryland        0         234
## 99  11/09/2002     South Carolina        0         233
## 100 09/11/2010           U.C.L.A.        0         233
## 101 11/09/2013       Florida Intl        0         233
## 102 09/25/2004            Buffalo        0         232
## 103 10/22/2005              Akron        0         232
## 104 10/23/2004           Illinois        0         231
## 105 10/25/2003         Iowa State        0         230
## 106 09/09/2006             Temple        0         230
## 107 09/19/2009            Wyoming        0         230
## 108 11/05/2011   Middle Tennessee        0         230
## 109 09/29/2001 Alabama-Birmingham        0         230
## 110 10/12/2002             Baylor        0         229
## 111 10/11/2008      Arizona State        0         229
## 112       <NA>               <NA>        0         229
## 113 09/18/2010         Kent State        0         228
## 114 10/14/2006           Kentucky        0         227
## 115 10/02/2004   New Mexico State        0         226
## 116 10/19/2013             Purdue        0         226
## 117 09/13/2008   Florida Atlantic        0         225
## 118 11/01/2008   Washington State        0         225
## 119 11/07/2009            Wyoming        0         225
## 120       <NA>               <NA>        0         225
## 121 09/08/2012   Western Kentucky        0         224
## 122 10/09/2010            Memphis        0         223
## 123 10/29/2011         New Mexico        0         223
## 124 09/25/2004     North Carolina        0         222
## 125 09/26/2009       UL-Lafayette        0         222
## 126 09/10/2005          UL-Monroe        0         220
## 127 08/30/2008          UL-Monroe        0         220
## 128 09/14/2002      Texas-El Paso        0         219
## 129 10/18/2008        Wake Forest        0         219
## 130 09/22/2012           Kentucky        0         219
## 131 09/06/2008       Florida Intl        0         218
## 132       <NA>               <NA>        0         217
## 133 09/21/2002 Alabama-Birmingham        0         216
## 134 11/14/2007              Akron        0         216
## 135 10/31/2009             Tulane        0         216
## 136       <NA>               <NA>        0         216
## 137 09/28/2002             Tulane        0         215
## 138       <NA>               <NA>        0         215
## 139 10/27/2001           Virginia        0         215
## 140 11/06/2004           Maryland        0         214
## 141 09/29/2001  Mississippi State        0         214
## 142 11/24/2001       UL-Lafayette        0         214
## 143 08/30/2002              Tulsa        0         213
## 144 11/02/2013        Wake Forest        0         213
## 145 09/10/2011              U-A-B        0         212
## 146 08/31/2013      Massachusetts        0         212
## 147 10/30/2003         Troy State        0         211
## 148 11/11/2006     North Carolina        0         211
## 149 10/26/2002      Texas-El Paso        0         210
## 150 09/02/2006               Duke        0         210
## 151 11/11/2006       Florida Intl        0         210
## 152 09/19/2009             Toledo        0         210
## 153       <NA>               <NA>        0         210
## 154 11/29/2008              U-C-F        0         209
## 155 11/17/2012        Wake Forest        0         209
## 156 10/01/2005     Oklahoma State        0         208
## 157 11/04/2006           Stanford        0         208
## 158 10/02/2010   New Mexico State        0         208
## 159 10/19/2013           Syracuse        0         208
## 160 09/10/2005  Mississippi State        0         207
## 161 11/11/2006         Utah State        0         207
## 162 10/01/2005            Arizona        0         206
## 163 09/28/2013        Mississippi        0         205
## 164 09/08/2001            Buffalo        0         205
## 165 11/24/2001         Vanderbilt        0         205
## 166 10/04/2003               Army        0         204
## 167 09/29/2012              Idaho        0         204
## 168 11/25/2006       Florida Intl        0         203
## 169 12/01/2012   Middle Tennessee        0         203
## 170 09/01/2001         Kent State        0         203
## 171 10/19/2002       Northwestern        0         202
## 172 10/12/2013   Western Michigan        0         202
## 173 11/05/2005             Baylor        0         201
## 174 10/04/2008            Wyoming        0         201
## 175 11/21/2009          Minnesota        0         201
## 176 09/18/2010        North Texas        0         201
## 177 09/09/2006   Florida Atlantic        0         200
## 178 09/27/2002         New Mexico        0         199
## 179 08/30/2003            Clemson        0         199
## 180 11/18/2006              Idaho        0         199
## 181 10/25/2008           Colorado        0         199
## 182 09/17/2011         Kent State        0         199
## 183       <NA>               <NA>        0         198
## 184 09/05/2004           Syracuse        0         197
## 185 12/03/2011         New Mexico        0         197
## 186       <NA>               <NA>        0         197
## 187 11/23/2002         Vanderbilt        0         196
## 188 11/15/2003            Arizona        0         195
## 189 10/23/2010        Connecticut        0         195
## 190       <NA>               <NA>        0         195
## 191 09/12/2009         Miami-Ohio        0         194
## 192 11/27/2003  Mississippi State        0         192
## 193 11/23/2002           Missouri        0         191
## 194 11/22/2003         Vanderbilt        0         191
## 195 10/09/2010            Wyoming        0         191
## 196 09/03/2011          UL-Monroe        0         191
## 197 10/06/2001   Eastern Michigan        0         191
## 198 11/13/2010          UL-Monroe        0         190
## 199 10/08/2011         Vanderbilt        0         190
## 200 09/21/2013         Kent State        0         190
## 201 09/29/2001             Baylor        0         190
## 202 09/17/2005               Ohio        0         189
## 203 11/10/2007      Miami-Florida        0         189
## 204 09/05/2009         Miami-Ohio        0         188
## 205 10/19/2002         Kent State        0         187
## 206       <NA>               <NA>        0         186
## 207       <NA>               <NA>        0         186
## 208 09/27/2003       Northwestern        0         185
## 209 09/23/2006              Idaho        0         185
## 210 09/25/2010        Wake Forest        0         185
## 211 11/23/2013     Colorado State        0         185
## 212 11/17/2001           Syracuse        0         185
## 213 11/01/2008         Washington        0         184
## 214       <NA>               <NA>        0         184
## 215       <NA>               <NA>        0         184
## 216 11/04/2006           Virginia        0         183
## 217 10/16/2010         Iowa State        0         183
## 218 11/12/2005           Syracuse        0         182
## 219 10/19/2006     North Carolina        0         182
## 220 10/28/2006          Minnesota        0         182
## 221 11/11/2006         Kent State        0         182
## 222       <NA>               <NA>        0         182
## 223 09/11/2004            Wyoming        0         181
## 224 09/10/2005   New Mexico State        0         181
## 225       <NA>               <NA>        0         179
## 226 09/18/2004     Louisiana Tech        0         177
## 227 11/04/2006     Arkansas State        0         177
## 228 10/01/2011          Minnesota        0         177
## 229 09/29/2001          UL-Monroe        0         177
## 230 11/23/2002            Rutgers        0         176
## 231 09/27/2003               Army        0         176
## 232       <NA>               <NA>        0         176
## 233       <NA>               <NA>        0         176
## 234 10/19/2002            Buffalo        0         175
## 235 11/08/2003   Nevada-Las Vegas        0         175
## 236 09/21/2013      West Virginia        0         175
## 237       <NA>               <NA>        0         175
## 238 10/17/2009            Wyoming        0         174
## 239 09/06/2013       Florida Intl        0         173
## 240 11/23/2013      Massachusetts        0         173
## 241 10/06/2001      West Virginia        0         173
## 242 11/30/2002           Kentucky        0         172
## 243 11/12/2013               Ohio        0         172
## 244 10/19/2002   Central Michigan        0         170
## 245 09/11/2004 Southern Methodist        0         170
## 246 11/29/2008             Auburn        0         170
## 247 09/26/2009           Illinois        0         170
## 248 09/17/2011        North Texas        0         169
## 249       <NA>               <NA>        0         168
## 250 09/30/2006           Stanford        0         166
## 251 10/29/2011  No Carolina State        0         166
## 252 08/31/2013          UL-Monroe        0         166
## 253 09/08/2001   Western Michigan        0         166
## 254 10/20/2007         Notre Dame        0         165
## 255 11/05/2011     North Carolina        0         165
## 256       <NA>               <NA>        0         165
## 257 08/30/2003             Auburn        0         164
## 258 09/16/2006              U-A-B        0         163
## 259 09/15/2007     San Jose State        0         163
## 260 11/28/2009   Washington State        0         163
## 261 11/24/2012             Auburn        0         163
## 262 11/20/2010     Colorado State        0         162
## 263       <NA>               <NA>        0         162
## 264       <NA>               <NA>        0         162
## 265 08/31/2006  Mississippi State        0         161
## 266 09/09/2006  Mississippi State        0         161
## 267 10/14/2006               Navy        0         161
## 268 10/02/2010     Colorado State        0         161
## 269 10/23/2010            Buffalo        0         161
## 270 11/03/2001               Ohio        0         161
## 271 09/07/2002          UL-Monroe        0         160
## 272 10/31/2009   Nevada-Las Vegas        0         160
## 273 10/01/2005         Ball State        0         159
## 274 11/12/2009      South Florida        0         159
## 275 09/22/2012             Tulane        0         159
## 276 11/01/2008     Arkansas State        0         158
## 277 09/16/2006             Temple        0         157
## 278 10/04/2008             Toledo        0         157
## 279 10/20/2001     Arkansas State        0         157
## 280 11/22/2003      Brigham Young        0         156
## 281 10/30/2004         Utah State        0         156
## 282 11/20/2004             Baylor        0         156
## 283 10/15/2011            Buffalo        0         155
## 284 12/06/2008               Army        0         154
## 285 10/30/2010              Akron        0         154
## 286 11/28/2003               Ohio        0         153
## 287 09/24/2005              Idaho        0         153
## 288 09/09/2006              U-C-F        0         153
## 289 11/08/2003  Mississippi State        0         152
## 290       <NA>               <NA>        0         152
## 291 11/03/2001             Temple        0         152
## 292 10/04/2003         Troy State        0         150
## 293 11/01/2008   New Mexico State        0         150
## 294 10/20/2001            Wyoming        0         150
## 295 09/28/2012             Hawaii        0         149
## 296 11/24/2007             Oregon        0         148
## 297 11/08/2008     San Jose State        0         148
## 298 12/03/2011   Florida Atlantic        0         148
## 299 08/30/2007  Mississippi State        0         146
## 300 08/31/2002        North Texas        0         145
## 301 09/13/2003         Notre Dame        0         144
## 302 09/03/2005         Ball State        0         144
## 303 09/29/2012               Navy        0         144
## 304 11/02/2002         Troy State        0         142
## 305 09/18/2004         Ball State        0         142
## 306 09/07/2002               Ohio        0         141
## 307 10/31/2009             Purdue        0         141
## 308 11/08/2003         Iowa State        0         140
## 309 09/23/2006               Troy        0         140
## 310 10/16/2010         Vanderbilt        0         140
## 311       <NA>               <NA>        0         140
## 312 11/10/2001               Ohio        0         140
## 313 09/16/2006               Duke        0         139
## 314 11/11/2006      Florida State        0         139
## 315 09/22/2007         Miami-Ohio        0         139
## 316 09/24/2011            Memphis        0         139
## 317 08/28/2008  No Carolina State        0         138
## 318 10/17/2009          Minnesota        0         138
## 319 11/03/2001              Tulsa        0         138
## 320 09/01/2005            Buffalo        0         137
## 321 09/15/2012           Arkansas        0         137
## 322       <NA>               <NA>        0         135
## 323 09/17/2005   Eastern Michigan        0         134
## 324 11/22/2008          Minnesota        0         134
## 325 10/29/2011            Memphis        0         134
## 326 10/13/2012           Illinois        0         134
## 327 08/31/2002           Maryland        0         133
## 328 10/04/2008               Duke        0         132
## 329 09/28/2002       Oregon State        0         131
## 330 11/15/2008          UL-Monroe        0         131
## 331 09/04/2004        North Texas        0         130
## 332 09/25/2004  Mississippi State        0         130
## 333 11/15/2008   Washington State        0         130
## 334 11/09/2002             Baylor        0         127
## 335 09/09/2006           Illinois        0         126
## 336 09/15/2012        Wake Forest        0         126
## 337 09/08/2001            Rutgers        0         126
## 338 11/19/2010       Fresno State        0         125
## 339 11/10/2007            Wyoming        0         122
## 340 10/15/2011   Florida Atlantic        0         121
## 341       <NA>               <NA>        0         121
## 342       <NA>               <NA>        0         120
## 343 11/24/2006              Akron        0         119
## 344 11/03/2007         New Mexico        0         119
## 345 10/23/2010             Purdue        0         118
## 346 10/20/2012      Massachusetts        0         118
## 347 10/18/2008   Washington State        0         116
## 348 11/03/2012           Colorado        0         116
## 349 11/02/2013             Purdue        0         116
## 350 11/02/2002             Kansas        0         115
## 351 09/16/2006    San Diego State        0         115
## 352 09/22/2001   New Mexico State        0         115
## 353 10/14/2006       Florida Intl        0         114
## 354 09/01/2007       Florida Intl        0         114
## 355 11/17/2001           U.C.L.A.        0         114
## 356 10/23/2004         Washington        0         113
## 357 11/24/2006   Eastern Michigan        0         112
## 358 11/25/2006           Virginia        0         112
## 359 08/30/2008              Idaho        0         112
## 360 09/25/2010         Ball State        0         112
## 361 11/10/2001            Rutgers        0         112
## 362 09/10/2005            Buffalo        0         111
## 363 10/08/2011   Nevada-Las Vegas        0         110
## 364 11/28/2009     Oklahoma State        0         109
## 365 09/14/2002             Baylor        0         107
## 366 09/04/2010         New Mexico        0         107
## 367 10/30/2010         Washington        0         107
## 368 10/28/2006     Arkansas State        0         104
## 369 11/05/2005  Mississippi State        0         103
## 370 09/30/2006        North Texas        0         103
## 371 09/08/2007           Syracuse        0         103
## 372 09/22/2001            Rutgers        0         102
## 373 09/30/2006               Duke        0         100
## 374 10/11/2003              U-C-F        0          98
## 375 09/16/2006         Utah State        0          98
## 376 11/20/2004            Buffalo        0          96
## 377 09/23/2006   Middle Tennessee        0          95
## 378 10/28/2006            Buffalo        0          92
## 379 09/01/2001         Ball State        0          92
## 380 10/12/2002            Rutgers        0          90
## 381 09/15/2007   Middle Tennessee        0          90
## 382 09/03/2011              Akron        0          90
## 383 10/07/2007   New Mexico State        0          89
## 384 11/18/2006    San Diego State        0          87
## 385 09/21/2013         Miami-Ohio        0          87
## 386 10/22/2011         New Mexico        0          85
## 387 09/18/2004              Akron        0          84
## 388       <NA>               <NA>        0          84
## 389 11/16/2002               Navy        0          82
## 390 10/16/2010     San Jose State        0          80
## 391 09/15/2007         Notre Dame        0          79
## 392 11/11/2006             Temple        0          74
## 393 10/05/2002       UL-Lafayette        0          70
## 394 10/22/2005   Florida Atlantic        0          68
## 395 11/10/2001             Kansas        0          67
## 396 10/31/2009   New Mexico State        0          62
## 397 08/30/2012      Massachusetts        0          59
## 398 11/08/2003        Texas A & M        0          54
## 399       <NA>               <NA>        0          51
## 400 11/21/2009             Tulane        0          50
## 401 09/10/2011   Florida Atlantic        0          48
## 402 10/29/2011             Kansas        0          46
## 403 09/10/2005             Temple        0          45
## 404 11/28/2008  Mississippi State        0          37
## 405 09/10/2005               Duke        0          35
## 406 09/21/2013       Florida Intl        0          30

We then ranked by most yards the games in which the “Defense” was shutout.

filter(shutouts, ScoreDef == 0) %>% 
  select(Date, Opponent, ScoreDef, TotalYdsDef) %>% 
##           Date            Opponent ScoreDef TotalYdsDef
## 1   09/08/2012    Stephen F Austin        0         466
## 2         <NA>            Kentucky        0         397
## 3   10/20/2007      San Jose State        0         394
## 4   11/26/2011            U.C.L.A.        0         385
## 5   11/03/2001         Texas A & M        0         372
## 6   10/30/2004       Arizona State        0         363
## 7   10/30/2004  Southern Methodist        0         356
## 8         <NA>      Michigan State        0         355
## 9   11/20/2010          Iowa State        0         332
## 10  09/22/2012             Arizona        0         332
## 11  11/18/2006      Louisiana Tech        0         331
## 12        <NA>      Oklahoma State        0         330
## 13  10/25/2003            Stanford        0         326
## 14  11/20/2004      Illinois State        0         326
## 15  10/29/2005              Baylor        0         325
## 16  10/20/2001   Mississippi State        0         322
## 17  11/01/2003          Notre Dame        0         321
## 18  09/18/2004               Tulsa        0         320
## 19  09/25/2010       Northern Iowa        0         320
## 20  10/25/2003          Troy State        0         314
## 21  10/26/2002      North Carolina        0         312
## 22  10/09/2010            Colorado        0         311
## 23  10/30/2004            Stanford        0         307
## 24  09/05/2009         Nevada-Reno        0         307
## 25  10/04/2008            Maryland        0         302
## 26  10/06/2007      Louisiana Tech        0         301
## 27  09/22/2007                Utah        0         300
## 28  11/12/2005         Connecticut        0         299
## 29  09/08/2001       Northern Iowa        0         299
## 30  09/21/2013         Austin Peay        0         298
## 31  08/30/2003      North Carolina        0         295
## 32  11/06/2004    Western Michigan        0         295
## 33  11/29/2013               S-M-U        0         295
## 34        <NA>         Connecticut        0         294
## 35  11/08/2008          Notre Dame        0         292
## 36        <NA>            Virginia        0         290
## 37  11/27/2010        Oregon State        0         285
## 38  10/06/2012                UTEP        0         285
## 39  09/10/2011        Oregon State        0         284
## 40  08/31/2006          Kent State        0         282
## 41  09/01/2007              Baylor        0         282
## 42  09/11/2004      Colorado State        0         281
## 43  11/26/2011    New Mexico State        0         279
## 44  11/23/2013              Kansas        0         279
## 45  08/29/2013    Sacramento State        0         278
## 46  09/20/2008             Wyoming        0         273
## 47  08/30/2003                Duke        0         272
## 48  10/25/2003      Arkansas State        0         272
## 49  09/11/2004    Western Michigan        0         272
## 50        <NA>         North Texas        0         271
## 51  09/02/2010        North Dakota        0         270
## 52  08/30/2013    Northern Arizona        0         270
## 53  11/09/2005          Cincinnati        0         269
## 54  09/19/2009               Tulsa        0         269
## 55  10/06/2001          Penn State        0         269
## 56  09/28/2002    Western Michigan        0         268
## 57  09/08/2001      Tennessee Tech        0         268
## 58  09/06/2008      Louisiana Tech        0         267
## 59  09/27/2008        Rhode Island        0         267
## 60  11/03/2012       Massachusetts        0         267
## 61        <NA>                Iowa        0         267
## 62  09/22/2012       Bowling Green        0         266
## 63  10/30/2010    Washington State        0         264
## 64  10/01/2011          Miami-Ohio        0         264
## 65  09/07/2002    Western Carolina        0         261
## 66  09/13/2003       Texas-El Paso        0         261
## 67  08/23/2003           Grambling        0         260
## 68  10/25/2003              Baylor        0         260
## 69  09/01/2007        Northeastern        0         260
## 70  08/30/2008          Kent State        0         260
## 71  11/03/2012            Kentucky        0         260
## 72        <NA>            Marshall        0         260
## 73  09/30/2006      Louisiana Tech        0         259
## 74  10/21/2006      Colorado State        0         259
## 75  09/27/2008    Eastern Michigan        0         259
## 76  11/05/2005   Appalachian State        0         256
## 77  10/19/2013            Arkansas        0         256
## 78  09/09/2006      South Carolina        0         255
## 79  08/31/2013                Elon        0         253
## 80  09/21/2013               Idaho        0         253
## 81  10/19/2002              Baylor        0         251
## 82  11/25/2008   Northern Illinois        0         251
## 83  08/30/2003               Idaho        0         250
## 84  09/02/2006    Eastern Kentucky        0         250
## 85  11/24/2007   No Carolina State        0         250
## 86  09/25/2010      Boston College        0         250
## 87  09/09/2006          Utah State        0         249
## 88        <NA>        UL-Lafayette        0         249
## 89        <NA>             Wyoming        0         249
## 90  11/09/2002               Idaho        0         248
## 91        <NA>              Baylor        0         248
## 92  10/23/2004             Arizona        0         245
## 93  09/28/2002    Central Michigan        0         242
## 94  09/23/2006          Utah State        0         242
## 95  11/10/2007              Temple        0         242
## 96  11/17/2012     Jacksonville St        0         242
## 97  09/14/2002                Army        0         241
## 98  10/26/2002        UL-Lafayette        0         241
## 99  09/24/2011       Georgia State        0         241
## 100 11/26/2011            Virginia        0         241
## 101 09/08/2012          New Mexico        0         241
## 102       <NA>             Rutgers        0         241
## 103 10/09/2004               Texas        0         240
## 104 10/28/2006              Purdue        0         240
## 105 09/04/2004           UL-Monroe        0         239
## 106 09/13/2008            U.C.L.A.        0         239
## 107 09/05/2004            Kentucky        0         238
## 108 11/10/2012              Auburn        0         238
## 109 10/18/2006    Florida Atlantic        0         237
## 110 10/27/2007      Arkansas State        0         237
## 111 11/10/2001              Temple        0         237
## 112 09/20/2003       S E Louisiana        0         236
## 113 11/10/2007          Utah State        0         236
## 114 10/08/2011          Ball State        0         236
## 115       <NA>              Baylor        0         236
## 116 11/24/2001    New Mexico State        0         236
## 117 10/11/2003      Arkansas State        0         235
## 118 10/05/2013            Maryland        0         234
## 119 09/21/2002      Portland State        0         233
## 120 11/09/2002      South Carolina        0         233
## 121 09/15/2007        Alcorn State        0         233
## 122 09/11/2010            U.C.L.A.        0         233
## 123 11/09/2013        Florida Intl        0         233
## 124 09/25/2004             Buffalo        0         232
## 125 10/22/2005               Akron        0         232
## 126 10/23/2004            Illinois        0         231
## 127 09/05/2009            UC-Davis        0         231
## 128 10/25/2003          Iowa State        0         230
## 129 09/09/2006              Temple        0         230
## 130 09/19/2009             Wyoming        0         230
## 131 11/05/2011    Middle Tennessee        0         230
## 132 09/29/2001  Alabama-Birmingham        0         230
## 133 10/13/2001             Liberty        0         230
## 134 10/12/2002              Baylor        0         229
## 135 10/11/2008       Arizona State        0         229
## 136       <NA>    Mid Tennessee St        0         229
## 137 09/18/2010          Kent State        0         228
## 138 10/14/2006            Kentucky        0         227
## 139 10/02/2004    New Mexico State        0         226
## 140 10/19/2013              Purdue        0         226
## 141 09/13/2008    Florida Atlantic        0         225
## 142 11/01/2008    Washington State        0         225
## 143 11/07/2009             Wyoming        0         225
## 144       <NA>          Penn State        0         225
## 145 09/08/2012    Western Kentucky        0         224
## 146 10/09/2010             Memphis        0         223
## 147 10/29/2011          New Mexico        0         223
## 148 09/02/2004    Tennessee-Martin        0         222
## 149 09/25/2004      North Carolina        0         222
## 150 09/26/2009        UL-Lafayette        0         222
## 151 09/13/2003    Eastern Illinois        0         221
## 152 09/10/2005           UL-Monroe        0         220
## 153 08/30/2008           UL-Monroe        0         220
## 154       <NA>         Weber State        0         220
## 155 09/14/2002       Texas-El Paso        0         219
## 156 09/09/2006       S E Louisiana        0         219
## 157 10/18/2008         Wake Forest        0         219
## 158 09/22/2012            Kentucky        0         219
## 159 09/06/2008        Florida Intl        0         218
## 160       <NA>             Alabama        0         217
## 161 09/21/2002  Alabama-Birmingham        0         216
## 162 11/11/2006      North Carolina        0         216
## 163 11/14/2007               Akron        0         216
## 164 10/31/2009              Tulane        0         216
## 165       <NA>             Buffalo        0         216
## 166 09/28/2002              Tulane        0         215
## 167       <NA>    Central Michigan        0         215
## 168 10/27/2001            Virginia        0         215
## 169 11/06/2004            Maryland        0         214
## 170 11/17/2012         Wake Forest        0         214
## 171 09/29/2001   Mississippi State        0         214
## 172 11/24/2001        UL-Lafayette        0         214
## 173 08/30/2002               Tulsa        0         213
## 174 11/02/2013         Wake Forest        0         213
## 175 09/10/2011               U-A-B        0         212
## 176 08/31/2013       Massachusetts        0         212
## 177 10/30/2003          Troy State        0         211
## 178 08/31/2013         Austin Peay        0         211
## 179 10/26/2002       Texas-El Paso        0         210
## 180 11/11/2006        Florida Intl        0         210
## 181 09/19/2009              Toledo        0         210
## 182       <NA>          Louisville        0         210
## 183 11/29/2008               U-C-F        0         209
## 184 11/04/2006            Stanford        0         208
## 185 10/02/2010    New Mexico State        0         208
## 186 10/19/2013            Syracuse        0         208
## 187 09/10/2005   Mississippi State        0         207
## 188 09/02/2006        Northeastern        0         207
## 189 11/11/2006          Utah State        0         207
## 190 09/02/2010        Rhode Island        0         207
## 191 09/17/2011    Stephen F Austin        0         207
## 192       <NA>      Illinois State        0         207
## 193 10/01/2005             Arizona        0         206
## 194 09/28/2013         Mississippi        0         205
## 195 09/08/2001             Buffalo        0         205
## 196 11/24/2001          Vanderbilt        0         205
## 197 10/04/2003                Army        0         204
## 198 08/28/2004       Indiana State        0         204
## 199 10/01/2005      Oklahoma State        0         203
## 200 11/25/2006        Florida Intl        0         203
## 201 12/01/2012    Middle Tennessee        0         203
## 202 09/01/2001          Kent State        0         203
## 203 10/19/2002        Northwestern        0         202
## 204 10/12/2013    Western Michigan        0         202
## 205 11/05/2005              Baylor        0         201
## 206 10/04/2008             Wyoming        0         201
## 207 11/21/2009           Minnesota        0         201
## 208 09/18/2010         North Texas        0         201
## 209 09/09/2006    Florida Atlantic        0         200
## 210 09/27/2002          New Mexico        0         199
## 211 08/30/2003             Clemson        0         199
## 212 10/16/2004         Florida A+M        0         199
## 213 11/18/2006               Idaho        0         199
## 214 10/25/2008            Colorado        0         199
## 215 09/17/2011          Kent State        0         199
## 216       <NA>             Houston        0         198
## 217 09/05/2004            Syracuse        0         197
## 218 12/03/2011          New Mexico        0         197
## 219       <NA>    New Mexico State        0         197
## 220 11/23/2002          Vanderbilt        0         196
## 221 11/15/2003             Arizona        0         195
## 222 10/23/2010         Connecticut        0         195
## 223       <NA>           UL-Monroe        0         195
## 224 09/06/2008            Richmond        0         194
## 225 09/12/2009          Miami-Ohio        0         194
## 226 09/01/2012               Lamar        0         194
## 227 11/27/2003   Mississippi State        0         192
## 228 11/23/2002            Missouri        0         191
## 229 11/22/2003          Vanderbilt        0         191
## 230 09/18/2004    Western Carolina        0         191
## 231 10/09/2010             Wyoming        0         191
## 232 09/03/2011           UL-Monroe        0         191
## 233 10/06/2001    Eastern Michigan        0         191
## 234 11/13/2010           UL-Monroe        0         190
## 235 10/08/2011          Vanderbilt        0         190
## 236 09/21/2013          Kent State        0         190
## 237 09/29/2001              Baylor        0         190
## 238 09/17/2005                Ohio        0         189
## 239 11/10/2007       Miami-Florida        0         189
## 240 09/29/2012               Idaho        0         189
## 241 09/05/2009          Miami-Ohio        0         188
## 242 09/19/2009 Charleston Southern        0         188
## 243 10/19/2002          Kent State        0         187
## 244 09/04/2010    Coastal Carolina        0         186
## 245       <NA>             Indiana        0         186
## 246       <NA>                Rice        0         186
## 247 09/27/2003        Northwestern        0         185
## 248 09/23/2006               Idaho        0         185
## 249 09/03/2009    Coastal Carolina        0         185
## 250 09/25/2010         Wake Forest        0         185
## 251 11/23/2013      Colorado State        0         185
## 252 09/29/2001 Northwestern St(LA)        0         185
## 253 11/17/2001            Syracuse        0         185
## 254 11/01/2008          Washington        0         184
## 255 08/31/2013 No Carolina Central        0         184
## 256 09/07/2013        Gardner-Webb        0         184
## 257       <NA>    New Mexico State        0         184
## 258       <NA>             Wyoming        0         184
## 259 09/18/2004      Louisiana Tech        0         183
## 260 11/04/2006            Virginia        0         183
## 261 10/16/2010          Iowa State        0         183
## 262 11/12/2005            Syracuse        0         182
## 263 10/19/2006      North Carolina        0         182
## 264 10/28/2006           Minnesota        0         182
## 265 11/11/2006          Kent State        0         182
## 266       <NA>              Temple        0         182
## 267 09/11/2004             Wyoming        0         181
## 268 09/10/2005    New Mexico State        0         181
## 269 09/01/2001   East Tennessee St        0         180
## 270       <NA>        UL-Lafayette        0         179
## 271 11/04/2006      Arkansas State        0         177
## 272 10/01/2011           Minnesota        0         177
## 273 09/29/2001           UL-Monroe        0         177
## 274 11/23/2002             Rutgers        0         176
## 275 09/27/2003                Army        0         176
## 276 09/06/2008    Western Carolina        0         176
## 277       <NA>           UL-Monroe        0         176
## 278       <NA>  Southern Methodist        0         176
## 279 10/19/2002             Buffalo        0         175
## 280 08/30/2003             Wofford        0         175
## 281 11/08/2003    Nevada-Las Vegas        0         175
## 282 09/21/2013       West Virginia        0         175
## 283 11/23/2013         Chattanooga        0         175
## 284       <NA>    Eastern Michigan        0         175
## 285 10/17/2009             Wyoming        0         174
## 286 09/06/2013        Florida Intl        0         173
## 287 11/23/2013       Massachusetts        0         173
## 288 10/06/2001       West Virginia        0         173
## 289 11/30/2002            Kentucky        0         172
## 290 11/12/2013                Ohio        0         172
## 291 09/05/2009        Alcorn State        0         171
## 292 09/04/2010      Nicholls State        0         171
## 293 10/19/2002    Central Michigan        0         170
## 294 09/11/2004  Southern Methodist        0         170
## 295 11/29/2008              Auburn        0         170
## 296 09/26/2009            Illinois        0         170
## 297 09/01/2012                Elon        0         170
## 298 09/17/2011         North Texas        0         169
## 299 10/22/2005    Florida Atlantic        0         168
## 300       <NA>    Central Michigan        0         168
## 301 09/04/2004            Richmond        0         167
## 302 09/05/2013    Sacramento State        0         167
## 303       <NA>    Western Carolina        0         167
## 304 09/30/2006            Stanford        0         166
## 305 10/29/2011   No Carolina State        0         166
## 306 08/31/2013           UL-Monroe        0         166
## 307       <NA>            Syracuse        0         166
## 308 09/08/2001    Western Michigan        0         166
## 309 10/20/2007          Notre Dame        0         165
## 310 11/05/2011      North Carolina        0         165
## 311       <NA>   Southern Illinois        0         165
## 312 08/30/2003              Auburn        0         164
## 313 09/21/2013         Idaho State        0         164
## 314 09/16/2006               U-A-B        0         163
## 315 09/15/2007      San Jose State        0         163
## 316 11/28/2009    Washington State        0         163
## 317 11/17/2012    Western Carolina        0         163
## 318 11/24/2012              Auburn        0         163
## 319 11/20/2010      Colorado State        0         162
## 320       <NA>         North Texas        0         162
## 321       <NA>           UL-Monroe        0         162
## 322 08/31/2006   Mississippi State        0         161
## 323 09/09/2006   Mississippi State        0         161
## 324 10/14/2006                Navy        0         161
## 325 10/02/2010      Colorado State        0         161
## 326 10/23/2010             Buffalo        0         161
## 327 11/03/2001                Ohio        0         161
## 328 09/07/2002           UL-Monroe        0         160
## 329 10/31/2009    Nevada-Las Vegas        0         160
## 330 11/12/2009       South Florida        0         159
## 331 09/22/2012              Tulane        0         159
## 332 11/01/2008      Arkansas State        0         158
## 333 09/16/2006              Temple        0         157
## 334 10/04/2008              Toledo        0         157
## 335 10/20/2001      Arkansas State        0         157
## 336 09/07/2002      Nicholls State        0         156
## 337 11/22/2003       Brigham Young        0         156
## 338 10/30/2004          Utah State        0         156
## 339 11/20/2004              Baylor        0         156
## 340 09/02/2010       Norfolk State        0         156
## 341 10/15/2011             Buffalo        0         155
## 342 12/06/2008                Army        0         154
## 343 10/30/2010               Akron        0         154
## 344 09/15/2012   So Carolina State        0         154
## 345 11/28/2003                Ohio        0         153
## 346 09/24/2005               Idaho        0         153
## 347 09/09/2006               U-C-F        0         153
## 348 09/17/2011     S E Missouri St        0         153
## 349 09/06/2003         Idaho State        0         152
## 350 11/08/2003   Mississippi State        0         152
## 351 09/24/2005    Youngstown State        0         152
## 352 09/08/2007               Maine        0         152
## 353 09/08/2007    Western Illinois        0         152
## 354 09/20/2008   So Carolina State        0         152
## 355       <NA>          Vanderbilt        0         152
## 356 11/03/2001              Temple        0         152
## 357 09/05/2009      Nicholls State        0         151
## 358 10/04/2003          Troy State        0         150
## 359 11/01/2008    New Mexico State        0         150
## 360 10/20/2001             Wyoming        0         150
## 361 09/10/2005             Liberty        0         149
## 362 09/08/2012              Howard        0         149
## 363 09/15/2012        Presbyterian        0         149
## 364 09/28/2012              Hawaii        0         149
## 365 09/30/2006               Maine        0         148
## 366 11/24/2007              Oregon        0         148
## 367 11/08/2008      San Jose State        0         148
## 368 12/03/2011    Florida Atlantic        0         148
## 369 10/01/2005          Ball State        0         147
## 370 11/12/2005      Texas Southern        0         146
## 371 08/30/2007   Mississippi State        0         146
## 372 08/31/2002         North Texas        0         145
## 373 09/03/2005          Ball State        0         144
## 374 09/29/2012                Navy        0         144
## 375 09/06/2003       James Madison        0         143
## 376 11/02/2002          Troy State        0         142
## 377 09/18/2004          Ball State        0         142
## 378 09/04/2010    Tennessee-Martin        0         142
## 379 10/31/2009              Purdue        0         141
## 380       <NA>     S W Texas State        0         141
## 381       <NA>       Indiana State        0         141
## 382 09/13/2003          Notre Dame        0         140
## 383 09/23/2006                Troy        0         140
## 384 09/18/2010      Portland State        0         140
## 385 10/16/2010          Vanderbilt        0         140
## 386       <NA>                Duke        0         140
## 387 11/10/2001                Ohio        0         140
## 388 09/16/2006                Duke        0         139
## 389 11/11/2006       Florida State        0         139
## 390 09/22/2007          Miami-Ohio        0         139
## 391 09/24/2011             Memphis        0         139
## 392 09/01/2012      Savannah State        0         139
## 393 10/13/2012            Illinois        0         139
## 394 08/28/2008   No Carolina State        0         138
## 395 10/17/2009           Minnesota        0         138
## 396 11/03/2001               Tulsa        0         138
## 397 09/13/2003         The Citadel        0         137
## 398 09/01/2005             Buffalo        0         137
## 399 09/15/2012            Arkansas        0         137
## 400 09/19/2009        Alcorn State        0         136
## 401 09/14/2006      Tennessee Tech        0         135
## 402       <NA>             Alabama        0         135
## 403 09/17/2005    Eastern Michigan        0         134
## 404 09/02/2006       Alabama State        0         134
## 405 11/22/2008           Minnesota        0         134
## 406 10/29/2011             Memphis        0         134
## 407 08/31/2002            Maryland        0         133
## 408 09/07/2013       Norfolk State        0         133
## 409 08/28/2008       Indiana State        0         132
## 410 10/04/2008                Duke        0         132
## 411 09/28/2002        Oregon State        0         131
## 412 11/15/2008           UL-Monroe        0         131
## 413 09/05/2009        Northeastern        0         131
## 414 09/04/2004         North Texas        0         130
## 415 09/25/2004   Mississippi State        0         130
## 416 11/15/2008    Washington State        0         130
## 417 09/22/2012        Alcorn State        0         130
## 418 08/31/2002     S W Texas State        0         129
## 419 09/02/2010             Hampton        0         129
## 420 11/09/2002              Baylor        0         127
## 421 09/12/2009        Morgan State        0         127
## 422 09/09/2006            Illinois        0         126
## 423 08/30/2008   So Carolina State        0         126
## 424 10/10/2009      Texas Southern        0         126
## 425 09/15/2012         Wake Forest        0         126
## 426 09/08/2001             Rutgers        0         126
## 427 11/08/2003          Iowa State        0         125
## 428 11/19/2010        Fresno State        0         125
## 429 09/15/2012 Charleston Southern        0         125
## 430 09/10/2005             Buffalo        0         123
## 431 09/15/2007       Norfolk State        0         122
## 432 11/10/2007             Wyoming        0         122
## 433 10/15/2011    Florida Atlantic        0         121
## 434       <NA>          Kent State        0         121
## 435 09/13/2008        Alcorn State        0         120
## 436 09/01/2011 No Carolina Central        0         120
## 437       <NA>                Navy        0         120
## 438 09/23/2006       S E Louisiana        0         119
## 439 11/24/2006               Akron        0         119
## 440 11/03/2007          New Mexico        0         119
## 441 09/03/2011 Charleston Southern        0         119
## 442 10/23/2010              Purdue        0         118
## 443 10/20/2012       Massachusetts        0         118
## 444 10/18/2008    Washington State        0         116
## 445 11/03/2012            Colorado        0         116
## 446 11/02/2013              Purdue        0         116
## 447 11/02/2002              Kansas        0         115
## 448 09/16/2006     San Diego State        0         115
## 449 09/05/2009    Western Carolina        0         115
## 450 09/22/2001    New Mexico State        0         115
## 451 10/14/2006        Florida Intl        0         114
## 452 09/01/2007        Florida Intl        0         114
## 453 08/30/2012   Northern Colorado        0         114
## 454 11/17/2001            U.C.L.A.        0         114
## 455 10/23/2004          Washington        0         113
## 456 09/07/2013      Tennessee Tech        0         113
## 457 09/11/2004         Weber State        0         112
## 458 11/24/2006    Eastern Michigan        0         112
## 459 11/25/2006            Virginia        0         112
## 460 08/30/2008               Idaho        0         112
## 461 09/25/2010          Ball State        0         112
## 462 09/17/2011    Coastal Carolina        0         112
## 463 11/10/2001             Rutgers        0         112
## 464 09/02/2010         Florida A+M        0         110
## 465 10/08/2011    Nevada-Las Vegas        0         110
## 466 09/27/2008        Morgan State        0         109
## 467 11/28/2009      Oklahoma State        0         109
## 468 09/14/2002              Baylor        0         107
## 469 09/04/2010          New Mexico        0         107
## 470 10/30/2010          Washington        0         107
## 471       <NA>         The Citadel        0         105
## 472 10/28/2006      Arkansas State        0         104
## 473 09/22/2007    Sacramento State        0         104
## 474 11/05/2005   Mississippi State        0         103
## 475 09/30/2006         North Texas        0         103
## 476 09/08/2007            Syracuse        0         103
## 477 09/12/2009      Texas Southern        0         103
## 478 09/22/2001             Rutgers        0         102
## 479 09/30/2006                Duke        0         100
## 480 09/04/2004       Northern Iowa        0          99
## 481 10/11/2003               U-C-F        0          98
## 482 09/16/2006          Utah State        0          98
## 483       <NA>     S W Missouri St        0          98
## 484 11/20/2004             Buffalo        0          96
## 485 09/23/2006    Middle Tennessee        0          95
## 486 09/01/2001          Ball State        0          92
## 487 10/12/2002             Rutgers        0          90
## 488 09/15/2007    Middle Tennessee        0          90
## 489 09/03/2011               Akron        0          90
## 490 10/07/2007    New Mexico State        0          89
## 491 11/18/2006     San Diego State        0          87
## 492 09/14/2013              Wagner        0          87
## 493 09/21/2013          Miami-Ohio        0          87
## 494 10/29/2011             Fordham        0          86
## 495 10/22/2011          New Mexico        0          85
## 496 09/18/2004               Akron        0          84
## 497 11/21/2009         Chattanooga        0          84
## 498       <NA>              Baylor        0          84
## 499 11/16/2002                Navy        0          82
## 500 08/31/2006    Sacramento State        0          82
## 501 08/31/2002   East Tennessee St        0          81
## 502 10/28/2006             Buffalo        0          81
## 503 10/16/2010      San Jose State        0          80
## 504 09/21/2013         Florida A+M        0          80
## 505 09/15/2007          Notre Dame        0          79
## 506 09/21/2013   Virginia Military        0          79
## 507 09/08/2007       S E Louisiana        0          75
## 508 11/11/2006              Temple        0          74
## 509 08/30/2008    Youngstown State        0          74
## 510 10/05/2002        UL-Lafayette        0          70
## 511 09/08/2012           Grambling        0          70
## 512 09/05/2009   Miss Valley State        0          69
## 513 08/30/2001       Indiana State        0          69
## 514 11/10/2001              Kansas        0          67
## 515 10/31/2009    New Mexico State        0          62
## 516       <NA>           Grambling        0          60
## 517 11/18/2006    Western Carolina        0          59
## 518 08/30/2012       Massachusetts        0          59
## 519 09/01/2001      Nicholls State        0          57
## 520 11/07/2009      Tennessee Tech        0          55
## 521 11/08/2003         Texas A & M        0          54
## 522       <NA>          Ball State        0          51
## 523 11/21/2009              Tulane        0          50
## 524 09/10/2011    Florida Atlantic        0          48
## 525 10/29/2011              Kansas        0          46
## 526 09/10/2005              Temple        0          45
## 527 09/12/2009         Idaho State        0          44
## 528 09/17/2011    Western Illinois        0          44
## 529 11/28/2008   Mississippi State        0          37
## 530 09/10/2005                Duke        0          35
## 531 09/21/2013        Florida Intl        0          30
## 532 09/08/2012      Savannah State        0          28
## 533 09/08/2007  West Virginia Tech        0          15

Looking at the results we see a quirk in the data in that some games seem to be represented twice. It would be preferable to have the games all together so that all the shut out teams can be ranked instead of doing it by “offense” or “defense”.

To do this I generated a list of all the games in which the “offense” was shutout and renamed the variables so they could be matched later. I did the same thing with “defense” shutouts.

shutouts_Off <- filter(shutouts, ScoreOff == 0) %>% 
  select(Date, TeamName, RushYdsOff, PassYdsOff, ScoreOff, TotalYdsOff, 
         Opponent) %>% 
  mutate(RushYds = RushYdsOff, PassYds = PassYdsOff, Score = ScoreOff, 
         TotalYds = TotalYdsOff, SO_team = TeamName, WinTeam = Opponent) %>%
  select(Date, SO_team, WinTeam, RushYds, PassYds, Score, TotalYds) %>%

shutouts_Def <- filter(shutouts, ScoreDef == 0) %>% 
  select(Date, TeamName, RushYdsDef, PassYdsDef, ScoreDef, TotalYdsDef, 
         Opponent) %>% 
  mutate(RushYds = RushYdsDef, PassYds = PassYdsDef, Score = ScoreDef, 
         TotalYds = TotalYdsDef, WinTeam = TeamName, SO_team = Opponent) %>%
  select(Date, SO_team, WinTeam, RushYds, PassYds, Score, TotalYds) %>%

We can then combine the two lists into one list and then only keep the unique games.

shutouts_all <- rbind(shutouts_Off, shutouts_Def) %>% 
  arrange(desc(TotalYds)) %>% 

rm(shutouts_Off); rm(shutouts_Def)

select(shutouts_all, -RushYds, -PassYds, -Score)
##           Date             SO_team           WinTeam TotalYds
## 1   09/08/2012    Stephen F Austin             S-M-U      466
## 2         <NA>                <NA>   Louisiana State      397
## 3         <NA>            Kentucky              <NA>      397
## 4   10/20/2007      San Jose State      Fresno State      394
## 6   11/26/2011            U.C.L.A.      Southern Cal      385
## 8   11/03/2001         Texas A & M        Texas Tech      372
## 10  10/30/2004       Arizona State        California      363
## 12  10/30/2004  Southern Methodist      Fresno State      356
## 14        <NA>                <NA>          Michigan      355
## 15        <NA>      Michigan State              <NA>      355
## 16  11/20/2010          Iowa State          Missouri      332
## 17  09/22/2012             Arizona            Oregon      332
## 20  11/18/2006      Louisiana Tech       Nevada-Reno      331
## 22        <NA>                <NA>        Texas Tech      330
## 23        <NA>      Oklahoma State              <NA>      330
## 24  10/25/2003            Stanford            Oregon      326
## 26  11/20/2004      Illinois State  Florida Atlantic      326
## 27  10/29/2005              Baylor        Texas Tech      325
## 29  10/20/2001   Mississippi State   Louisiana State      322
## 31  11/01/2003          Notre Dame     Florida State      321
## 33  09/18/2004               Tulsa              Navy      320
## 35  09/25/2010       Northern Iowa        Iowa State      320
## 36  10/25/2003          Troy State          Virginia      314
## 38  10/26/2002      North Carolina       Wake Forest      312
## 40  10/09/2010            Colorado          Missouri      311
## 42  10/30/2004            Stanford          U.C.L.A.      307
## 43  09/05/2009         Nevada-Reno        Notre Dame      307
## 46  10/04/2008            Maryland          Virginia      302
## 48  10/06/2007      Louisiana Tech       Mississippi      301
## 50  09/22/2007                Utah  Nevada-Las Vegas      300
## 52  11/12/2005         Connecticut        Pittsburgh      299
## 54  09/08/2001       Northern Iowa        Iowa State      299
## 55  09/21/2013         Austin Peay              Ohio      298
## 56        <NA>                <NA>  Nevada-Las Vegas      297
## 57  08/30/2003      North Carolina     Florida State      295
## 58  11/06/2004    Western Michigan     Bowling Green      295
## 59  11/29/2013               S-M-U           Houston      295
## 63        <NA>         Connecticut              <NA>      294
## 64  11/08/2008          Notre Dame    Boston College      292
## 66        <NA>                <NA>      Georgia Tech      290
## 67        <NA>            Virginia              <NA>      290
## 68  11/27/2010        Oregon State          Stanford      285
## 69  10/06/2012                UTEP             S-M-U      285
## 72  09/10/2011        Oregon State         Wisconsin      284
## 74  08/31/2006          Kent State         Minnesota      282
## 75  09/01/2007              Baylor   Texas Christian      282
## 78  09/11/2004      Colorado State      Southern Cal      281
## 80  11/26/2011    New Mexico State    Louisiana Tech      279
## 81  11/23/2013              Kansas        Iowa State      279
## 84  08/29/2013    Sacramento State    San Jose State      278
## 85  09/20/2008             Wyoming     Brigham Young      273
## 87  08/30/2003                Duke          Virginia      272
## 88  10/25/2003      Arkansas State        Utah State      272
## 89  09/11/2004    Western Michigan     Virginia Tech      272
## 93        <NA>         North Texas              <NA>      271
## 94  09/02/2010        North Dakota             Idaho      270
## 95  08/30/2013    Northern Arizona           Arizona      270
## 96  11/09/2005          Cincinnati     West Virginia      269
## 97  09/19/2009               Tulsa          Oklahoma      269
## 98  10/06/2001          Penn State          Michigan      269
## 102 09/28/2002    Western Michigan     Virginia Tech      268
## 104 09/08/2001      Tennessee Tech         Air Force      268
## 105 09/06/2008      Louisiana Tech            Kansas      267
## 106 11/03/2012       Massachusetts Northern Illinois      267
## 107       <NA>                <NA>          Illinois      267
## 109 09/27/2008        Rhode Island    Boston College      267
## 111       <NA>                Iowa              <NA>      267
## 112 09/22/2012       Bowling Green     Virginia Tech      266
## 114 10/30/2010    Washington State     Arizona State      264
## 115 10/01/2011          Miami-Ohio        Cincinnati      264
## 117 10/01/2011          Miami-Ohio        Cincinnati      264
## 118 09/13/2003       Texas-El Paso   San Diego State      261
## 119 09/07/2002    Western Carolina            Auburn      261
## 121 10/25/2003              Baylor             Texas      260
## 122 08/30/2008          Kent State    Boston College      260
## 123 11/03/2012            Kentucky        Vanderbilt      260
## 124       <NA>                <NA>            Toledo      260
## 125 08/23/2003           Grambling    San Jose State      260
## 127 09/01/2007        Northeastern      Northwestern      260
## 130       <NA>            Marshall              <NA>      260
## 131 09/30/2006      Louisiana Tech           Clemson      259
## 132 10/21/2006      Colorado State           Wyoming      259
## 133 09/27/2008    Eastern Michigan Northern Illinois      259
## 137 10/19/2013            Arkansas           Alabama      256
## 138 11/05/2005   Appalachian State   Louisiana State      256
## 140 09/09/2006      South Carolina           Georgia      255
## 142 09/21/2013               Idaho  Washington State      253
## 143 08/31/2013                Elon      Georgia Tech      253
## 145 10/19/2002              Baylor          Colorado      251
## 146 11/25/2008   Northern Illinois              Navy      251
## 149 08/30/2003               Idaho  Washington State      250
## 150 11/24/2007   No Carolina State          Maryland      250
## 151 09/25/2010      Boston College     Virginia Tech      250
## 153 09/02/2006    Eastern Kentucky        Cincinnati      250
## 156 09/09/2006          Utah State          Arkansas      249
## 157       <NA>                <NA>       North Texas      249
## 158       <NA>                <NA>              Utah      249
## 160       <NA>        UL-Lafayette              <NA>      249
## 161       <NA>             Wyoming              <NA>      249
## 162 11/09/2002               Idaho       North Texas      248
## 163       <NA>                <NA>        Texas Tech      248
## 165       <NA>              Baylor              <NA>      248
## 166 10/23/2004             Arizona        California      245
## 168 09/28/2002    Central Michigan    Boston College      242
## 169 09/23/2006          Utah State     Brigham Young      242
## 170 11/10/2007              Temple        Penn State      242
## 174 11/17/2012     Jacksonville St           Florida      242
## 175 09/14/2002                Army           Rutgers      241
## 176 10/26/2002        UL-Lafayette       North Texas      241
## 177 11/26/2011            Virginia     Virginia Tech      241
## 178 09/08/2012          New Mexico             Texas      241
## 179       <NA>                <NA>     Virginia Tech      241
## 182 09/24/2011       Georgia State           Houston      241
## 185       <NA>             Rutgers              <NA>      241
## 186 10/09/2004               Texas          Oklahoma      240
## 187 10/28/2006              Purdue        Penn State      240
## 190 09/04/2004           UL-Monroe            Auburn      239
## 191 09/13/2008            U.C.L.A.     Brigham Young      239
## 194 09/05/2004            Kentucky        Louisville      238
## 195 11/10/2012              Auburn           Georgia      238
## 198 10/18/2006    Florida Atlantic      UL-Lafayette      237
## 199 10/27/2007      Arkansas State              Troy      237
## 200 11/10/2001              Temple     Virginia Tech      237
## 204 11/10/2007          Utah State       Boise State      236
## 205 10/08/2011          Ball State            Temple      236
## 206       <NA>                <NA>       Texas A & M      236
## 207 11/24/2001    New Mexico State        New Mexico      236
## 208 09/20/2003       S E Louisiana        Troy State      236
## 211       <NA>              Baylor              <NA>      236
## 213 10/11/2003      Arkansas State       Mississippi      235
## 215 10/05/2013            Maryland     Florida State      234
## 217 11/09/2002      South Carolina          Arkansas      233
## 218 09/11/2010            U.C.L.A.          Stanford      233
## 219 11/09/2013        Florida Intl  Middle Tennessee      233
## 220 09/21/2002      Portland State            Oregon      233
## 222 09/15/2007        Alcorn State             U-A-B      233
## 225 09/25/2004             Buffalo              Ohio      232
## 226 10/22/2005               Akron              Army      232
## 229 10/23/2004            Illinois         Minnesota      231
## 231 09/05/2009            UC-Davis      Fresno State      231
## 232 10/25/2003          Iowa State          Nebraska      230
## 233 09/09/2006              Temple        Louisville      230
## 234 09/19/2009             Wyoming          Colorado      230
## 235 11/05/2011    Middle Tennessee         Tennessee      230
## 236 09/29/2001  Alabama-Birmingham     Southern Miss      230
## 242 10/13/2001             Liberty   Central Florida      230
## 243 10/12/2002              Baylor       Texas A & M      229
## 244 10/11/2008       Arizona State      Southern Cal      229
## 245       <NA>                <NA>           Florida      229
## 248       <NA>    Mid Tennessee St              <NA>      229
## 249 09/18/2010          Kent State        Penn State      228
## 251 10/14/2006            Kentucky   Louisiana State      227
## 253 10/02/2004    New Mexico State     Texas-El Paso      226
## 254 10/19/2013              Purdue    Michigan State      226
## 257 09/13/2008    Florida Atlantic    Michigan State      225
## 258 11/01/2008    Washington State          Stanford      225
## 259 11/07/2009             Wyoming     Brigham Young      225
## 260       <NA>                <NA>        Pittsburgh      225
## 264       <NA>          Penn State              <NA>      225
## 265 09/08/2012    Western Kentucky           Alabama      224
## 267 10/09/2010             Memphis        Louisville      223
## 268 10/29/2011          New Mexico         Air Force      223
## 271 09/25/2004      North Carolina        Louisville      222
## 272 09/26/2009        UL-Lafayette          Nebraska      222
## 273 09/02/2004    Tennessee-Martin  Western Michigan      222
## 276 09/13/2003    Eastern Illinois          Missouri      221
## 277 09/10/2005           UL-Monroe           Wyoming      220
## 278 08/30/2008           UL-Monroe            Auburn      220
## 281       <NA>         Weber State              <NA>      220
## 282 09/14/2002       Texas-El Paso          Oklahoma      219
## 283 10/18/2008         Wake Forest          Maryland      219
## 284 09/22/2012            Kentucky           Florida      219
## 286 09/09/2006       S E Louisiana     Southern Miss      219
## 289 09/06/2008        Florida Intl              Iowa      218
## 291       <NA>                <NA>     Southern Miss      217
## 292       <NA>             Alabama              <NA>      217
## 293 09/21/2002  Alabama-Birmingham      UL-Lafayette      216
## 294 11/14/2007               Akron        Miami-Ohio      216
## 295 10/31/2009              Tulane   Louisiana State      216
## 296       <NA>                <NA>           Rutgers      216
## 298 11/11/2006      North Carolina      Georgia Tech      216
## 301       <NA>             Buffalo              <NA>      216
## 302 09/28/2002              Tulane             Texas      215
## 303       <NA>                <NA>            Purdue      215
## 304 10/27/2001            Virginia No Carolina State      215
## 306       <NA>    Central Michigan              <NA>      215
## 308 11/06/2004            Maryland          Virginia      214
## 309 09/29/2001   Mississippi State           Florida      214
## 310 11/24/2001        UL-Lafayette   Central Florida      214
## 312 11/17/2012         Wake Forest        Notre Dame      214
## 315 08/30/2002               Tulsa          Oklahoma      213
## 316 11/02/2013         Wake Forest          Syracuse      213
## 319 09/10/2011               U-A-B           Florida      212
## 320 08/31/2013       Massachusetts         Wisconsin      212
## 323 10/30/2003          Troy State       North Texas      211
## 324 11/11/2006      North Carolina      Georgia Tech      211
## 326 08/31/2013         Austin Peay         Tennessee      211
## 327 10/26/2002       Texas-El Paso             Tulsa      210
## 328 09/02/2006                Duke          Richmond      210
## 329 11/11/2006        Florida Intl         UL-Monroe      210
## 330 09/19/2009              Toledo        Ohio State      210
## 331       <NA>                <NA>     Florida State      210
## 335       <NA>          Louisville              <NA>      210
## 336 11/29/2008               U-C-F             U-A-B      209
## 337 11/17/2012         Wake Forest        Notre Dame      209
## 339 10/01/2005      Oklahoma State          Colorado      208
## 340 11/04/2006            Stanford      Southern Cal      208
## 341 10/02/2010    New Mexico State       Boise State      208
## 342 10/19/2013            Syracuse      Georgia Tech      208
## 346 09/10/2005   Mississippi State            Auburn      207
## 347 11/11/2006          Utah State       Nevada-Reno      207
## 349 09/02/2006        Northeastern     Virginia Tech      207
## 351 09/02/2010        Rhode Island           Buffalo      207
## 352 09/17/2011    Stephen F Austin            Baylor      207
## 353       <NA>      Illinois State              <NA>      207
## 354 10/01/2005             Arizona        California      206
## 356 09/28/2013         Mississippi           Alabama      205
## 357 09/08/2001             Buffalo     Bowling Green      205
## 358 11/24/2001          Vanderbilt         Tennessee      205
## 362 10/04/2003                Army   Texas Christian      204
## 363 09/29/2012               Idaho    North Carolina      204
## 365 08/28/2004       Indiana State        Miami-Ohio      204
## 366 11/25/2006        Florida Intl  Florida Atlantic      203
## 367 12/01/2012    Middle Tennessee    Arkansas State      203
## 368 09/01/2001          Kent State              Iowa      203
## 369 10/01/2005      Oklahoma State          Colorado      203
## 373 10/19/2002        Northwestern        Penn State      202
## 374 10/12/2013    Western Michigan           Buffalo      202
## 377 11/05/2005              Baylor             Texas      201
## 378 10/04/2008             Wyoming        New Mexico      201
## 379 11/21/2009           Minnesota              Iowa      201
## 380 09/18/2010         North Texas              Army      201
## 385 09/09/2006    Florida Atlantic      Kansas State      200
## 387 09/27/2002          New Mexico        Texas Tech      199
## 388 08/30/2003             Clemson           Georgia      199
## 389 11/18/2006               Idaho      Fresno State      199
## 390 10/25/2008            Colorado          Missouri      199
## 391 09/17/2011          Kent State      Kansas State      199
## 394 10/16/2004         Florida A+M     Virginia Tech      199
## 398       <NA>                <NA>             Texas      198
## 399       <NA>             Houston              <NA>      198
## 400 09/05/2004            Syracuse            Purdue      197
## 401 12/03/2011          New Mexico       Boise State      197
## 402       <NA>                <NA>    South Carolina      197
## 405       <NA>    New Mexico State              <NA>      197
## 406 11/23/2002          Vanderbilt         Tennessee      196
## 408 11/15/2003             Arizona      Southern Cal      195
## 409 10/23/2010         Connecticut        Louisville      195
## 410       <NA>                <NA>  Mid Tennessee St      195
## 413       <NA>           UL-Monroe              <NA>      195
## 414 09/12/2009          Miami-Ohio       Boise State      194
## 415 09/06/2008            Richmond          Virginia      194
## 417 09/01/2012               Lamar      UL-Lafayette      194
## 418 11/27/2003   Mississippi State       Mississippi      192
## 420 11/23/2002            Missouri      Kansas State      191
## 421 11/22/2003          Vanderbilt         Tennessee      191
## 422 10/09/2010             Wyoming   Texas Christian      191
## 423 09/03/2011           UL-Monroe     Florida State      191
## 424 10/06/2001    Eastern Michigan       Connecticut      191
## 427 09/18/2004    Western Carolina           Alabama      191
## 431 11/13/2010           UL-Monroe   Louisiana State      190
## 432 10/08/2011          Vanderbilt           Alabama      190
## 433 09/21/2013          Kent State        Penn State      190
## 434 09/29/2001              Baylor        Iowa State      190
## 439 09/17/2005                Ohio     Virginia Tech      189
## 440 11/10/2007       Miami-Florida          Virginia      189
## 443 09/29/2012               Idaho    North Carolina      189
## 444 09/05/2009          Miami-Ohio          Kentucky      188
## 446 09/19/2009 Charleston Southern     South Florida      188
## 447 10/19/2002          Kent State              Ohio      187
## 449       <NA>                <NA>          Michigan      186
## 450       <NA>                <NA>   Texas Christian      186
## 451 09/04/2010    Coastal Carolina     West Virginia      186
## 452       <NA>             Indiana              <NA>      186
## 453       <NA>                Rice              <NA>      186
## 454 09/27/2003        Northwestern        Ohio State      185
## 455 09/23/2006               Idaho      Oregon State      185
## 456 09/25/2010         Wake Forest     Florida State      185
## 457 11/23/2013      Colorado State        Utah State      185
## 458 11/17/2001            Syracuse     Miami-Florida      185
## 461 09/03/2009    Coastal Carolina        Kent State      185
## 464 09/29/2001 Northwestern St(LA)    Oklahoma State      185
## 466 11/01/2008          Washington      Southern Cal      184
## 467       <NA>                <NA>           Georgia      184
## 468       <NA>                <NA>   San Diego State      184
## 470 08/31/2013 No Carolina Central              Duke      184
## 471 09/07/2013        Gardner-Webb          Marshall      184
## 472       <NA>    New Mexico State              <NA>      184
## 473       <NA>             Wyoming              <NA>      184
## 474 11/04/2006            Virginia     Florida State      183
## 475 10/16/2010          Iowa State          Oklahoma      183
## 476 09/18/2004      Louisiana Tech     Miami-Florida      183
## 479 11/12/2005            Syracuse     South Florida      182
## 480 10/19/2006      North Carolina          Virginia      182
## 481 10/28/2006           Minnesota        Ohio State      182
## 482 11/11/2006          Kent State     Virginia Tech      182
## 483       <NA>                <NA>        Pittsburgh      182
## 488       <NA>              Temple              <NA>      182
## 489 09/11/2004             Wyoming         Texas A+M      181
## 490 09/10/2005    New Mexico State          Colorado      181
## 493 09/01/2001   East Tennessee St        Pittsburgh      180
## 494       <NA>                <NA>        Texas Tech      179
## 495       <NA>        UL-Lafayette              <NA>      179
## 496 09/18/2004      Louisiana Tech     Miami-Florida      177
## 497 11/04/2006      Arkansas State            Auburn      177
## 498 10/01/2011           Minnesota          Michigan      177
## 499 09/29/2001           UL-Monroe  New Mexico State      177
## 503 11/23/2002             Rutgers        Notre Dame      176
## 504 09/27/2003                Army     South Florida      176
## 505       <NA>                <NA>           Memphis      176
## 506       <NA>                <NA> No Carolina State      176
## 509 09/06/2008    Western Carolina     Florida State      176
## 510       <NA>           UL-Monroe              <NA>      176
## 511       <NA>  Southern Methodist              <NA>      176
## 512 10/19/2002             Buffalo        Miami-Ohio      175
## 513 11/08/2003    Nevada-Las Vegas   San Diego State      175
## 514 09/21/2013       West Virginia          Maryland      175
## 515       <NA>                <NA>  Western Michigan      175
## 517 08/30/2003             Wofford         Air Force      175
## 520 11/23/2013         Chattanooga           Alabama      175
## 521       <NA>    Eastern Michigan              <NA>      175
## 522 10/17/2009             Wyoming         Air Force      174
## 524 09/06/2013        Florida Intl             U-C-F      173
## 525 11/23/2013       Massachusetts  Central Michigan      173
## 526 10/06/2001       West Virginia     Virginia Tech      173
## 530 11/30/2002            Kentucky         Tennessee      172
## 531 11/12/2013                Ohio     Bowling Green      172
## 534 09/05/2009        Alcorn State     Southern Miss      171
## 535 09/04/2010      Nicholls State   San Diego State      171
## 536 10/19/2002    Central Michigan Northern Illinois      170
## 537 09/11/2004  Southern Methodist   Texas Christian      170
## 538 11/29/2008              Auburn           Alabama      170
## 539 09/26/2009            Illinois        Ohio State      170
## 544 09/01/2012                Elon    North Carolina      170
## 545 09/17/2011         North Texas           Alabama      169
## 547       <NA>                <NA>            Toledo      168
## 548 10/22/2005    Florida Atlantic    Arkansas State      168
## 549       <NA>    Central Michigan              <NA>      168
## 550 09/04/2004            Richmond No Carolina State      167
## 551 09/05/2013    Sacramento State     Arizona State      167
## 552       <NA>    Western Carolina              <NA>      167
## 553 09/30/2006            Stanford          U.C.L.A.      166
## 554 10/29/2011   No Carolina State     Florida State      166
## 555 08/31/2013           UL-Monroe          Oklahoma      166
## 556 09/08/2001    Western Michigan     Virginia Tech      166
## 560       <NA>            Syracuse              <NA>      166
## 562 10/20/2007          Notre Dame      Southern Cal      165
## 563 11/05/2011      North Carolina No Carolina State      165
## 564       <NA>                <NA>     Miami-Florida      165
## 567       <NA>   Southern Illinois              <NA>      165
## 568 08/30/2003              Auburn      Southern Cal      164
## 570 09/21/2013         Idaho State        Washington      164
## 571 09/16/2006               U-A-B           Georgia      163
## 572 09/15/2007      San Jose State          Stanford      163
## 573 11/28/2009    Washington State        Washington      163
## 574 11/24/2012              Auburn           Alabama      163
## 578 11/17/2012    Western Carolina           Alabama      163
## 580 11/20/2010      Colorado State           Wyoming      162
## 581       <NA>                <NA>   Central Florida      162
## 582       <NA>                <NA>       Boise State      162
## 584       <NA>         North Texas              <NA>      162
## 585       <NA>           UL-Monroe              <NA>      162
## 586 08/31/2006   Mississippi State    South Carolina      161
## 587 09/09/2006   Mississippi State            Auburn      161
## 588 10/14/2006                Navy           Rutgers      161
## 589 10/02/2010      Colorado State   Texas Christian      161
## 590 10/23/2010             Buffalo            Temple      161
## 591 11/03/2001                Ohio           Buffalo      161
## 598 09/07/2002           UL-Monroe      Kansas State      160
## 599 10/31/2009    Nevada-Las Vegas   Texas Christian      160
## 602 10/01/2005          Ball State    Boston College      159
## 603 11/12/2009       South Florida           Rutgers      159
## 604 09/22/2012              Tulane       Mississippi      159
## 607 11/01/2008      Arkansas State           Alabama      158
## 609 09/16/2006              Temple         Minnesota      157
## 610 10/04/2008              Toledo        Ball State      157
## 611 10/20/2001      Arkansas State       North Texas      157
## 615 11/22/2003       Brigham Young              Utah      156
## 616 10/30/2004          Utah State  Mid Tennessee St      156
## 617 11/20/2004              Baylor          Oklahoma      156
## 618 09/07/2002      Nicholls State       North Texas      156
## 622 09/02/2010       Norfolk State           Rutgers      156
## 623 10/15/2011             Buffalo            Temple      155
## 625 12/06/2008                Army              Navy      154
## 626 10/30/2010               Akron            Temple      154
## 629 09/15/2012   So Carolina State           Arizona      154
## 630 11/28/2003                Ohio          Marshall      153
## 631 09/24/2005               Idaho            Hawaii      153
## 632 09/09/2006               U-C-F           Florida      153
## 636 09/17/2011     S E Missouri St            Purdue      153
## 637 11/08/2003   Mississippi State           Alabama      152
## 638       <NA>                <NA>            Auburn      152
## 639 11/03/2001              Temple     Miami-Florida      152
## 640 09/06/2003         Idaho State       Boise State      152
## 642 09/24/2005    Youngstown State        Pittsburgh      152
## 643 09/08/2007               Maine       Connecticut      152
## 644 09/08/2007    Western Illinois          Illinois      152
## 645 09/20/2008   So Carolina State           Clemson      152
## 646       <NA>          Vanderbilt              <NA>      152
## 648 09/05/2009      Nicholls State         Air Force      151
## 649 10/04/2003          Troy State          Nebraska      150
## 650 11/01/2008    New Mexico State       Boise State      150
## 651 10/20/2001             Wyoming              Utah      150
## 655 09/28/2012              Hawaii     Brigham Young      149
## 656 09/10/2005             Liberty       Connecticut      149
## 657 09/08/2012              Howard           Rutgers      149
## 658 09/15/2012        Presbyterian        Vanderbilt      149
## 660 11/24/2007              Oregon          U.C.L.A.      148
## 661 11/08/2008      San Jose State    Louisiana Tech      148
## 662 12/03/2011    Florida Atlantic         UL-Monroe      148
## 663 09/30/2006               Maine    Boston College      148
## 667 10/01/2005          Ball State    Boston College      147
## 668 08/30/2007   Mississippi State   Louisiana State      146
## 669 11/12/2005      Texas Southern              UTEP      146
## 671 08/31/2002         North Texas             Texas      145
## 673 09/13/2003          Notre Dame          Michigan      144
## 674 09/03/2005          Ball State              Iowa      144
## 675 09/29/2012                Navy    San Jose State      144
## 678 09/06/2003       James Madison     Virginia Tech      143
## 679 11/02/2002          Troy State          Arkansas      142
## 680 09/18/2004          Ball State          Missouri      142
## 683 09/04/2010    Tennessee-Martin         Tennessee      142
## 684 09/07/2002                Ohio      Northeastern      141
## 685 10/31/2009              Purdue         Wisconsin      141
## 687       <NA>     S W Texas State              <NA>      141
## 688       <NA>       Indiana State              <NA>      141
## 689 11/08/2003          Iowa State      Kansas State      140
## 690 09/23/2006                Troy          Nebraska      140
## 691 10/16/2010          Vanderbilt           Georgia      140
## 692       <NA>                <NA>     East Carolina      140
## 693 11/10/2001                Ohio     Bowling Green      140
## 694 09/13/2003          Notre Dame          Michigan      140
## 696 09/18/2010      Portland State            Oregon      140
## 698       <NA>                Duke              <NA>      140
## 700 09/16/2006                Duke     Virginia Tech      139
## 701 11/11/2006       Florida State       Wake Forest      139
## 702 09/22/2007          Miami-Ohio          Colorado      139
## 703 09/24/2011             Memphis             S-M-U      139
## 708 09/01/2012      Savannah State    Oklahoma State      139
## 709 10/13/2012            Illinois          Michigan      139
## 710 08/28/2008   No Carolina State    South Carolina      138
## 711 10/17/2009           Minnesota        Penn State      138
## 712 11/03/2001               Tulsa          Oklahoma      138
## 716 09/01/2005             Buffalo       Connecticut      137
## 717 09/15/2012            Arkansas           Alabama      137
## 718 09/13/2003         The Citadel          Maryland      137
## 721 09/19/2009        Alcorn State  Central Michigan      136
## 722       <NA>                <NA>            Auburn      135
## 723 09/14/2006      Tennessee Tech  Middle Tennessee      135
## 724       <NA>             Alabama              <NA>      135
## 725 09/17/2005    Eastern Michigan          Michigan      134
## 726 11/22/2008           Minnesota              Iowa      134
## 727 10/29/2011             Memphis             U-C-F      134
## 728 10/13/2012            Illinois          Michigan      134
## 730 09/02/2006       Alabama State              Troy      134
## 733 08/31/2002            Maryland        Notre Dame      133
## 735 09/07/2013       Norfolk State           Rutgers      133
## 736 10/04/2008                Duke      Georgia Tech      132
## 737 08/28/2008       Indiana State  Eastern Michigan      132
## 739 09/28/2002        Oregon State      Southern Cal      131
## 740 11/15/2008           UL-Monroe       Mississippi      131
## 743 09/05/2009        Northeastern    Boston College      131
## 744 09/04/2004         North Texas             Texas      130
## 745 09/25/2004   Mississippi State   Louisiana State      130
## 746 11/15/2008    Washington State     Arizona State      130
## 750 09/22/2012        Alcorn State    Arkansas State      130
## 751 08/31/2002     S W Texas State         Minnesota      129
## 752 09/02/2010             Hampton  Central Michigan      129
## 753 11/09/2002              Baylor             Texas      127
## 755 09/12/2009        Morgan State             Akron      127
## 756 09/09/2006            Illinois           Rutgers      126
## 757 09/15/2012         Wake Forest     Florida State      126
## 758 09/08/2001             Rutgers     Miami-Florida      126
## 760 08/30/2008   So Carolina State             U-C-F      126
## 761 10/10/2009      Texas Southern           Rutgers      126
## 764 11/19/2010        Fresno State       Boise State      125
## 765 11/08/2003          Iowa State      Kansas State      125
## 767 09/15/2012 Charleston Southern          Illinois      125
## 768 09/10/2005             Buffalo          Syracuse      123
## 769 11/10/2007             Wyoming              Utah      122
## 770 09/15/2007       Norfolk State           Rutgers      122
## 772 10/15/2011    Florida Atlantic  Western Kentucky      121
## 773       <NA>                <NA>  Western Michigan      121
## 774 10/15/2011    Florida Atlantic  Western Kentucky      121
## 775       <NA>          Kent State              <NA>      121
## 776       <NA>                <NA>   Texas Christian      120
## 777 09/13/2008        Alcorn State              Troy      120
## 778 09/01/2011 No Carolina Central           Rutgers      120
## 779       <NA>                Navy              <NA>      120
## 780 11/24/2006               Akron  Western Michigan      119
## 781 11/03/2007          New Mexico   Texas Christian      119
## 782 09/23/2006       S E Louisiana        Texas Tech      119
## 785 09/03/2011 Charleston Southern             U-C-F      119
## 786 10/23/2010              Purdue        Ohio State      118
## 787 10/20/2012       Massachusetts     Bowling Green      118
## 790 10/18/2008    Washington State      Southern Cal      116
## 791 11/03/2012            Colorado          Stanford      116
## 792 11/02/2013              Purdue        Ohio State      116
## 794 11/03/2012            Colorado          Stanford      116
## 796 11/02/2002              Kansas      Kansas State      115
## 797 09/16/2006     San Diego State         Wisconsin      115
## 798 09/22/2001    New Mexico State      Kansas State      115
## 801 09/05/2009    Western Carolina        Vanderbilt      115
## 803 10/14/2006        Florida Intl     Miami-Florida      114
## 804 09/01/2007        Florida Intl        Penn State      114
## 805 11/17/2001            U.C.L.A.      Southern Cal      114
## 808 08/30/2012   Northern Colorado              Utah      114
## 810 10/23/2004          Washington      Southern Cal      113
## 812 09/07/2013      Tennessee Tech         Wisconsin      113
## 813 11/24/2006    Eastern Michigan Northern Illinois      112
## 814 11/25/2006            Virginia     Virginia Tech      112
## 815 08/30/2008               Idaho           Arizona      112
## 816 09/25/2010          Ball State              Iowa      112
## 817 11/10/2001             Rutgers        Pittsburgh      112
## 818 09/11/2004         Weber State     Texas-El Paso      112
## 823 09/17/2011    Coastal Carolina           Georgia      112
## 825 09/10/2005             Buffalo          Syracuse      111
## 826 10/08/2011    Nevada-Las Vegas       Nevada-Reno      110
## 827 09/02/2010         Florida A+M     Miami-Florida      110
## 829 11/28/2009      Oklahoma State          Oklahoma      109
## 830 09/27/2008        Morgan State           Rutgers      109
## 832 09/14/2002              Baylor        New Mexico      107
## 833 09/04/2010          New Mexico            Oregon      107
## 834 10/30/2010          Washington          Stanford      107
## 838       <NA>         The Citadel              <NA>      105
## 839 10/28/2006      Arkansas State  Florida Atlantic      104
## 841 09/22/2007    Sacramento State        New Mexico      104
## 842 11/05/2005   Mississippi State           Alabama      103
## 843 09/30/2006         North Texas  Middle Tennessee      103
## 844 09/08/2007            Syracuse              Iowa      103
## 848 09/12/2009      Texas Southern         UL-Monroe      103
## 849 09/22/2001             Rutgers     Virginia Tech      102
## 851 09/30/2006                Duke          Virginia      100
## 853 09/04/2004       Northern Iowa        Iowa State       99
## 854 10/11/2003               U-C-F              Ohio       98
## 855 09/16/2006          Utah State              Utah       98
## 858       <NA>     S W Missouri St              <NA>       98
## 859 11/20/2004             Buffalo       Connecticut       96
## 861 09/23/2006    Middle Tennessee          Oklahoma       95
## 863 10/28/2006             Buffalo    Boston College       92
## 864 09/01/2001          Ball State            Auburn       92
## 866 10/12/2002             Rutgers     West Virginia       90
## 867 09/15/2007    Middle Tennessee   Louisiana State       90
## 868 09/03/2011               Akron        Ohio State       90
## 872 10/07/2007    New Mexico State       Boise State       89
## 874 11/18/2006     San Diego State   Texas Christian       87
## 875 09/21/2013          Miami-Ohio        Cincinnati       87
## 877 09/14/2013              Wagner          Syracuse       87
## 879 10/29/2011             Fordham              Army       86
## 880 10/22/2011          New Mexico   Texas Christian       85
## 882 09/18/2004               Akron          Virginia       84
## 883       <NA>                <NA>          Nebraska       84
## 885 11/21/2009         Chattanooga           Alabama       84
## 886       <NA>              Baylor              <NA>       84
## 887 11/16/2002                Navy       Connecticut       82
## 889 08/31/2006    Sacramento State       Boise State       82
## 890 08/31/2002   East Tennessee St No Carolina State       81
## 891 10/28/2006             Buffalo    Boston College       81
## 892 10/16/2010      San Jose State       Boise State       80
## 894 09/21/2013         Florida A+M        Ohio State       80
## 895 09/15/2007          Notre Dame          Michigan       79
## 897 09/21/2013   Virginia Military          Virginia       79
## 898 09/08/2007       S E Louisiana            Kansas       75
## 899 11/11/2006              Temple        Penn State       74
## 901 08/30/2008    Youngstown State        Ohio State       74
## 902 10/05/2002        UL-Lafayette   Louisiana State       70
## 904 09/08/2012           Grambling   Texas Christian       70
## 905 09/05/2009   Miss Valley State    Arkansas State       69
## 906 08/30/2001       Indiana State             Tulsa       69
## 907 10/22/2005    Florida Atlantic    Arkansas State       68
## 908 11/10/2001              Kansas             Texas       67
## 910 10/31/2009    New Mexico State        Ohio State       62
## 912       <NA>           Grambling              <NA>       60
## 913 08/30/2012       Massachusetts       Connecticut       59
## 914 11/18/2006    Western Carolina           Florida       59
## 916 09/01/2001      Nicholls State      UL-Lafayette       57
## 917 11/07/2009      Tennessee Tech           Georgia       55
## 918 11/08/2003         Texas A & M          Oklahoma       54
## 920       <NA>                <NA>      Kansas State       51
## 921       <NA>          Ball State              <NA>       51
## 922 11/21/2009              Tulane             U-C-F       50
## 924 09/10/2011    Florida Atlantic    Michigan State       48
## 926 10/29/2011              Kansas             Texas       46
## 927 10/29/2011              Kansas             Texas       46
## 928 09/10/2005              Temple         Wisconsin       45
## 930 09/12/2009         Idaho State          Oklahoma       44
## 931 09/17/2011    Western Illinois          Missouri       44
## 932 11/28/2008   Mississippi State       Mississippi       37
## 934 09/10/2005                Duke     Virginia Tech       35
## 936 09/21/2013        Florida Intl        Louisville       30
## 938 09/08/2012      Savannah State     Florida State       28
## 939 09/08/2007  West Virginia Tech  Western Kentucky       15

Looking more at the data we see that there are some games that seem like the could be joined manually, like the game in rows 2 and 3 where Louisiana State beat an unidentified team while giving up 397 yards and Kentucky lost to an unidentified team while gaining 397 yards. The same holds for 9 and 10.

It appears that the 462 yards that San Jose State gained in total offense on November 15, 2014 are more than any other shutout team from 2000-2013 with the exception of Stephen F. Austin ( on 9/8/2012!

It is also interesting that San Jose State’s poor luck against Hawaii was not their only time experiencing such a historic feat. The Spartans gained 394 yards in being shut out by Fresno State on 10/20/2007, which is the #3 most yards gained in a shutout on my list (excluding the 11/15/2014 game).

Relationship between Yards and Points Scored

Another question is to see if there is a relationship between points scored and the number of yards gained. We can fit a linear regression model with points scored as the outcome and total yards as the predictor. Let’s again create a list that combines the “offense” and “defense” teams.

# Create TotalYdsOff and TotalYdsDef 
dat <- mutate(dat, TotalYdsOff = RushYdsOff + PassYdsOff, 
              TotalYdsDef = RushYdsDef + PassYdsDef)

dat_off <- filter(dat) %>% 
  select(Date, TeamName, RushYdsOff, PassYdsOff, ScoreOff, TotalYdsOff, 
         Opponent) %>% 
  mutate(RushYds = RushYdsOff, PassYds = PassYdsOff, Score = ScoreOff, 
         TotalYds = TotalYdsOff) %>%
  select(Date, TeamName, Opponent, RushYds, PassYds, Score, TotalYds) %>%

dat_def <- filter(dat) %>% 
  select(Date, TeamName, RushYdsDef, PassYdsDef, ScoreDef, TotalYdsDef, 
         Opponent) %>% 
  mutate(RushYds = RushYdsDef, PassYds = PassYdsDef, Score = ScoreDef, 
         TotalYds = TotalYdsDef, TeamName_temp = TeamName, 
         TeamName = Opponent) %>%
  mutate(Opponent = TeamName_temp) %>%
  select(Date, TeamName, Opponent, RushYds, PassYds, Score, TotalYds) %>%

dat_all <- rbind(dat_off, dat_def) %>% 
  arrange(desc(TotalYds)) %>%

This represents 23402 individual team performances.

Let’s plot to see what is the relationship between total yards and score.

smoothScatter(dat_all$TotalYds, dat_all$Score)
model1 <- lm(Score ~ TotalYds, data = dat_all)
abline(model1, col = "red")

There are a couple of obvious outliers there with > 2000 total yards of offense. Which ones are they?[which(dat_all$TotalYds > 2000),])
##         Date TeamName Opponent RushYds PassYds Score TotalYds
## 1 10/18/2003    Akron    U-C-F    1314    1550    38     2864
## 2 10/18/2003    U-C-F    Akron     654    1697    24     2351

On 10/18/2003 Akron and University of Central Florida played each other, and reportedly both had > 2000 yards of total offense in a game that was only 38-24. I could not find the box score for this so I deleted these observations and reran the plot and model.

dat_all <- dat_all[-which(dat_all$TotalYds > 2000), ]
smoothScatter(dat_all$TotalYds, dat_all$Score)
model1 <- lm(Score ~ TotalYds, data = dat_all)
abline(model1, col = "red")

## Call:
## lm(formula = Score ~ TotalYds, data = dat_all)
## Residuals:
##     Min      1Q  Median      3Q     Max 
## -64.235  -6.461  -0.624   5.805  67.306 
## Coefficients:
##              Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)    
## (Intercept) -8.626074   0.210074  -41.06   <2e-16 ***
## TotalYds     0.093484   0.000531  176.06   <2e-16 ***
## ---
## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
## Residual standard error: 9.571 on 22874 degrees of freedom
##   (524 observations deleted due to missingness)
## Multiple R-squared:  0.5754, Adjusted R-squared:  0.5754 
## F-statistic: 3.1e+04 on 1 and 22874 DF,  p-value: < 2.2e-16

Based on the simplistic model, which only accounts for 57% of the variance, we can predict how many points a team that gains 462 yards should score.

predict(model1, newdata = data.frame(TotalYds = 462), interval = "pred")
##        fit      lwr     upr
## 1 34.56348 15.80386 53.3231

The 95% confidence interval for the prediction is 15.8-53.3 points, and 0 points is well outside of this confidence interval.

Next Steps

Clearly the performances are not all independent (same team may score at a more similar rate per yard than different teams). Also, there is some censoring at the bottom, suggesting that perhaps tobit regression might be a better model since you can’t score fewer than 0 points yet you can have fewer than 0 total yards…

There are some outliers where the team scored > 20 points with overall negative yards for the game. These games would be interesting to look at.