Simple Secret Santa Picker

A post about automating Secret Santa assignments popped up in my Facebook feed the other day. This being the Christmas season, I took a look. It seemed a bit complex, and I wondered if I could make it more efficient.

The original function took in a list of people (e.g., Ann, Bill, Chris). Using a nested while-for loop, it randomly picked a name (Bill), and matched it to the first person in the list (Ann:Bill). If the same person was picked (Ann:Ann), it picked again to try to find another name. In the end it returned results like this:

> secret_santa(3, santas)
     [,1]    [,2]  [,3]   
[1,] "Ann"   "has" "Bill" 
[2,] "Bill"  "has" "Chris"
[3,] "Chris" "has" "Ann"  

I guessed that another way to do it might be to just randomize the list and then have each person be assigned the next one on the list. This is what I came up with.

secret_santa <- function(santas) {
  random_santas <- sample(santas) # Randomize santas
  recipients <- random_santas[c(2:length(random_santas), 1)] # Move everyone down one
  gift_assignments <- paste(random_santas, "has", recipients) # Make readable list
  data.frame(sort(gift_assignments)) # Return alphabetically ordered list

Here’s an example of how it works.

santas <- c("Maria", "Tiffany", "Mike", "Bob", "Josh", "Melanie")
##   sort.gift_assignments.
## 1          Bob has Maria
## 2       Josh has Tiffany
## 3         Maria has Josh
## 4       Melanie has Mike
## 5           Mike has Bob
## 6    Tiffany has Melanie

In doing more research on this problem, it turns out that the assignment of Secret Santas is related to the mathematical concept of derangements. From Wikipedia: “In combinatorial mathematics, a derangement is a permutation of the elements of a set, such that no element appears in its original position.”

The number of derangements of a set of size n can be calculated as:

\[!n=n!\sum _{i=0}^{n}{\frac {(-1)^{i}}{i!}}\]

My simplistic solution consists of one closed cycle of people (everyone just gives to the next person). However, there are also derangements such as A:B, B:A, C:D, D:C where you have a cycle of people that is 2 or more in length.

This could be something you would want to avoid. For example you could have a big family Secret Santa and a husband could be paired to his wife and vice-versa. My solution would avoid there being a small closed cycle like this, but it would still permit husband:wife.

My solution is a subset of the total possible derangements, and this begs the question, what percentage of all possible derangements are a cycle of the whole group?

A quick Google search brought up this paper which in turn led me to this paper. My math skills are very rusty at this point, so I’m not sure what the answer is, but it seems that an exact solution can be calculated!
