Treadmill Charts for Running Paces

I find it hard to pace myself on the road when doing interval workouts. The GPS apps aren’t good enough to maintain a steady pace at the goal so I always end up running too fast at the beginning then die at the end. I’ve found it easier to do these on the treadmill at the gym. The only problem is that it’s hard for me to convert between the paces I want to run and the miles per hour speed that are supplied by the treadmills. [Read More]

Runkeeper Data

Last summer I started running again after about 8 years off. I had run from my sophomore year of high school until the fall of 2008 when it seemed like I had a meniscus injury and I stopped running. I had run for 17 years, during which the longest break I had taken was maybe a few months. After I stopped, I always missed it, and when my son started training for a Scouting running achievement, I decided I would keep him company. [Read More]

Weight Training Data

I lifted weights regularly for two years but stopped recently because I decided to run more instead. I tracked my weight lifting using an app called Strong, and since it seemed that I had reached my peak of weight lifting I figured I would look back on my exercise over this time. library(dplyr) ## ## Attaching package: 'dplyr' ## The following objects are masked from 'package:stats': ## ## filter, lag ## The following objects are masked from 'package:base': ## ## intersect, setdiff, setequal, union library(ggplot2) library(lubridate) ## ## Attaching package: 'lubridate' ## The following object is masked from 'package:base': ## ## date dat <- read. [Read More]

Annual Leadership Forum Voting

It’s been a while since I posted, but this weekend I returned to the American Academy of Pediatrics Annual Leadership Forum and I was able to cite my analysis on the top 10 resolutions. In the spirit of looking further at the ALF data I decided to look at the voting records from this year. It seemed that most votes pass by at least 80% if not more. This includes the amendment votes. [Read More]
AAP  voting 

Hawaii High School Football All-Stars

The local newspaper released a dataset of high school all stars from 1972 to 2017, and I thought it might be interesting to analyze the information. Some interesting questions were what schools have the most all stars, at what positions, and how this has changed over the years. I suspect that Saint Louis, Kahuku, and Waianae will be the top teams but who knows? Maybe there’s a secret dynasty that I never heard of. [Read More]

Estimated Prius Gas Mileage (December 2017 Update)

(Updated to add googlesheets methodology and new data points) I’ve seen some posts online suggesting that the miles per gallon estimates that your car provides are not accurate. I collected a few observations to see if this was true for my car. Methods Each time I filled up the gas tank, I collected the number of gallons that were dispensed until the first automatic shutoff. I wrote down the estimated mpg, the trip odometer reading since the last fill-up, and the overall odometer reading. [Read More]
mpg  car 

Fax Problem at Work

Our fax machine at work has been very slow lately. One of our frequently faxed numbers complained that it took over an hour to send a fax. Googling this problem didn’t result in any solutions, other than maybe learning that this is a common problem with fax over IP telephony. I decided to take a closer look at the logs. The logs are printed out roughly every day or two. [Read More]

Turkey Data from 2017: A Bigger Bird

Another Thanksgiving has gone by and another set of turkey roasting data is available. This year’s turkey was quite a bit bigger than last year’s one (20 vs 14 lbs) because we usually roast one and buy another. The place we buy from wasn’t selling hot turkeys, so we decided to just make one big one. Other than the size, we used the same method as last year (see last year’s post). [Read More]

VEX Scores and Google Sheets

My son is in a robotics competition this year. He has to score points by driving a robot around a course and making it pick up and place things. I thought it might be nice to chart his progress. The real learning issue for today is using the googlesheets package to work with the data. I often enter data using this site and it would save me a lot of time to get the data directly from Google Sheets rather than downloading it as a csv. [Read More]

Estimated Prius Gas Mileage

I’ve seen some posts online suggesting that the miles per gallon estimates that your car provides are not accurate. I collected a few observations to see if this was true for my car. Methods Each time I filled up the gas tank, I collected the number of gallons that were dispensed until the first automatic shutoff. I wrote down the estimated mpg, the trip odometer reading since the last fill-up, and the overall odometer reading. [Read More]
mpg  car